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Summer is winding down~
Posted On 08/19/2022 20:27:39 by momtocam
Our garden is done for the season. The kids have returned to school. I’m catching up on local football game schedules. Cooler temps have snuck in (yay), but what I’m  most intrigued by is that I finally get to start marking down the days till our weekend getaway to Gatlinburg. It was planned several months ago. I blinked once, and it truly seems like yesterday I was pushing my toes in the sand at Garden City. The least favorite season of mine has been a blur.

The birds are beginning to adapt to the changing season. I’ve been noticing their frequent visits to my feeders. They are smarter then we think. Just like the squirrels and insects. Preparation is in progress ….as we humans too begin to adapt to changes that come with the end of summer. 

Turning another year older (60) recently, perhaps has made me think about the swiftness of the days flying by. When we were kids, every day was carefree, especially the golden days of summer. We would kick off our shoes and play for hours on those lazy afternoons. Those days seemed endless. For me, this time of year reminds me of how quickly time is passing by…like jello slipping through a child’s fingers.

I’m already reminded it’s that unique time to somehow make room for my fall-winter wardrobe in a house that only has one closet. I somehow muster the ability to make this happen with ease. This will be the 27th year in doing so.

The next time the days of summer seem to go by too fast, take a breath. Sit back and relax…if only for a moment. Watch the sunset. Enjoy that ice cream cone…sip that cold ice tea a little bit slower. 

As I’m often reminded from a well known movie line from 1986- “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

In the meantime, I’ll be counting down the days to Fall.


Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Comments

09/14/2022 22:09:36

Yes time is slipping by so fast for us who are not childrend anymore, Lisa.  Try being 72 and seeing how fast time flys.  Seems like yesterday we were in school and had a summer vacation - playing all day or going to the beach or even working.  The summer days are quickly becoming fall as the darkness comes earlier and earlier, my least favorit time of year, but the ending days of summer are some of the prettiest of the season.  Enjoy these days and don't blink, casue they'll be gone!

08/23/2022 01:58:40

Some  seasons I'm just more interested in noticing details than in others.

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