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Remembering Fried Potatoes & Corn Bread
Posted On 09/11/2022 10:08:06 by Altara33606

I just saw something on Facebook about 'what goes with corn bread'. Well, boy did that bring back memories! One of my grandmothers fixed corn bread, fried potatoes and hamburgers quite often when we visited. That was one of my favorite meals.  I can almost 'taste' that, as I talk about it. 

However, 'now', I don't dare have all of that at one sitting! An ironic note: only a few hours before I got the call from my doctor, telling me he was putting me on a med to lower my 'bad' cholesterol, I had this craving for fried potatoes. Now, I hadn't had fried potatoes in a very long time--probably a few years! I hardly ever eat anything 'fried', to be honest. Maybe a hamburger once a month. And while I do eat frozen chicken tenders or fish patties, I fix them in the toaster oven, or air fryer. My skillet doesnt get much use! (Ok, once or twice a month I might fix bacon for a BLT sandwich.)   But in general, I try to eat 'healthy' when possible.  Sigh. Oh for the  good old days when we could eat whatever we wanted... 

PS: nowadays, it's a 'treat' when I have a bowl of chili with some corn bread. And no...I've never made it 'from scratch'! I  buy packaged 'sweet' corn bread mix. That works just fine.


Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Comments

09/12/2022 20:49:17

I cut out bread last summer..also starches..potatos, rice, pasta. My energy level has increased...and I lost 33 pounds. I take a daily regimen of vitamins and drink lots of water. I'm on no medications..

09/12/2022 05:03:50

Those were the good old days! I'm in the same boat as you I have toi eat healthy foods these days but I still bake chicken. I do my best to stay away from any packaged food since most are loaded with sodium and my diet requires low sodium. I love cornbread but it's been awhile since I've had any.

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