I was just advised that many may not realize what I was talking about! Apparently, some people have 'other ideas' on what this might mean. I simply meant the new practice of making a big deal out of telling friends/family whether it's going to be a boy or girl. The subject came up recently, when a relative mentioned they are expecting a baby. And my daughter and I agreed that we hope there's no big 'reveal'!
We prefer the old-fashioned way of just 'telling people' if the parents 'know' in advance. Back 'in the day' we didn't find out before birth if it was a boy or girl--and that was fine with me. We just TOLD our family when we were expecting--no big 'party'.
And what I think is ridiculous, according to what I've been reading online--the mother-to-be actually doesn't even "know" beforehand! She apparently chooses someone close to her to arrange the party & be informed whether it's a boy or girl--then at the big 'reveal', the parents learn along with their guests! I've seen some articles online where one of the parents was extremely disappointed at the reveal--one good reason to keep it private, in my opinion. Not to mention, one article told about a sister-in-law (who was the planner) who told her mother--who then told "everyone" (all her social media!) what the baby's gender was, before the mother even knew!
I'm not saying they shouldn't "know" the gender, if they want; I just don't think it's necessary to plan some big party & go 'wild'--like some of the things I've read about recently.