Builtlordtough's World
Female 66 years old Ohio United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 824
[ 8 ]
07/13/2008 15:47:46 |
I love older movies. My favorite is Son Of Paleface with Bob Hope. I also enjoy some of the newer ones like Alvin And The Chipmunks. So cute.
I also enjoy musicals like Seven Brides for Seven sons. Oklahoma, Meet Me In St. Louis to name a few. I'm not into scary movies. Too many depressing things in the world as it is.
I love southern gospel, some country and pop. But I enjoy the love ballads the most. I won't listen to bar hopping chug alug songs, LOL
Green. Not that wild green! LOL But the other shades of green.
Oh my the list is so long. I love desserts mainly. Go figure a diabectic, LOL. I love sauerkraut and pork, pickle pimento loaf. I love to eat Mexican and Chinese food. But Home Cooking is the best. And I'm addicted to milk. Just in case you run into my family, LOL
I'm a Christian who loes the Lord and her husband and all her furballs. I'm a diabectic . I also suffer from fibromalgia,neuropathy. I suffer a few mini strokes a few months back. But I'm coming along. I still have my Dad and lost my mom back in 99. I have three wonderful sisters, great brother-n- laws,5 nephews & a beautiful niece. God has blessed me with some beautiful friends. They all are a true tresure for me. I am blessed.
I like to read my Bible and play with my animals. I have 3 small dogs and 1 cat. I have Chester a Maltese,Cody part Japense Chin & Shizu and Casey he's a Bischon. And my cat Fluff. He's 13 yrs old. I like to go on rides with my hubby John . We have been married almost 18 yrs. I have no children. God said no to that. I love attending church and feeling God's presence.
I don't like rude or judgemental people. I figured that's God's job. People who are abusive to their children or their animals. I belive in discipline. But not but there is a proper way. And foul lanquage. My goodness that os so rampant now. I hate it when folks uses Gods name the way they do. And pornography. If Jesus doesn't want to see or hear it neither do I!
I collect cookbooks. I have several old ones. Boy has time changes in that arera too. I also love to colllect dolphins.
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