You'll NEVER know what you're capable of unless you try!
Male 70 years old Harrisburg, Pennsylvania United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2191
[ 199 ]
09/12/2009 07:15:13 |
This is a really cool player!! On the right select the media you want, eg. music, video etc. At the top you can search for the artist you want and a list of available music or videos will come up then you double click what you want and it plays! You can get if free at
I absolutely, positively could not live without Pizza.
Favorite Color
Can't say that I have a favorite color. I do a lot of graphics and work with different colors all the time. If pressed about it I guess I would have to say red is my favorite.
Favorite Movies
I love Science Fiction and Fantasy. I would have to say Lord of the Rings, Alien, Blade and The Matrix are my favorite all time movies.
...I'm 54 years young. Immigrated to the United States a year ago. I am part of the staff here on the hill, the welcome wagon...Lived most of my life in Ontario, Canada and have driven big rigs for the last 30 years.
I do a lot of work with graphics, build my own computers and had my own web site that I used to write tutorials for PSP and other things related to PSP. Had to shut it down because of how tight the money has become.
Computers, computers, computers.....working on graphics, PSP, woodworking
cre8iveone has 54 friend(s)