~to mark time by moments is to know Life, to mark it by heartbeats is to know Love~
Female 114 years old United Kingdom
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05/20/2013 14:04:31 |
candlelight flickers
in mid night air
dancing flames sway
to darkness' melody
as questions walk
through clouds hung
suspended in time
thunder's symphony
plays misty answers
waking spirit to wield
lightning's sword
of unheard truth
silence awakens as
clouds sweet essence
falls softly through
quiet ebony night
revitalizing the spirit
like love's pure light
as clouds surround
wrapping it ever safe
in serenity's arms as
bright golden sunlight
breaks the dawn
candlelight flickers
dancing flames sway
to new day's melody
entwined in time
through a hallway
of tinkling chimes
in endless sleep
quiet dreams walk
fathomless moments
suspended await
a heart's awakening
crystal clear tones
echo through the air
keepers of the keys
knowing hands of fate
rewind time reviving
memories softly found
forever freeing dreams
entwined in time
Love of Dragon, Protection of Wolf, Wisdom of Bear, Warmth of Buffalo,
~always protected - "always above, below and around you" ~
As we travel our path of fate weaved for us by Grandmother Spider we must always remember that all that has come before is a lesson to be learned so we may be all that we are meant to be. Society can change what we do, but they cannot change the essence of who we are. I am older and much wiser than when I was in my twenties and able to do whatever I wanted, just because I could, however getting older is no reason to stop doing what one knows is right. I have responsibilities in my life that require certain things of me and I am at peace with them. I believe that Destiny and Fate impact our journey in life. I have neither the time nor patience for negative people or situations and the way their negativity disrupts my inner peace, and I go to great lengths to avoid them. I believe in the Ethics of The Good Red Road and the Twelve Laws of Karma and I strive to follow both, but that is not to say that when my inner peace is disrupted, or those I love and who are important to me are in danger I will not do ALL THAT I AM CAPABLE OF, and with this I am at true peace.
I follow my OWN path, one that combines, what I believe to be the best of many beliefs, not one designed by others. I draw Ideals, Strengths and Power from combining these beliefs. I believe that everyone must formulate what works for them, and this is what works for me. My belief is that Magick is about the Intent to affect Change, how we affect that Change is up to us, and the God(s) and/or Goddess' and Spirits we know are guiding us. I believe that we are all given free will to chose our path in this lifetime, and as such I respect the right of every individual to make their own choice, and I expect the same respect from others.
I am a Witch an Empath, a Night Traveler, a Seeker and a Cloud Walker who understands Grandmother Spider and the path my feet are destined to walk. I am truly Blessed for my Goddess is Inanna who guides me as I travel in the Light and the Dark to find answers, for unlike many I have one foot in each world, always maintaining the balance of the two, never allowing either side to become stronger than the other. This is where I must be and this is where I am, for this is who I am and whom I must be to survive. I do not question it for I am old enough and wise enough to understand that What Is, Simply Is, and What Will Be, Will Be. For reasons I do not question I have been Blessed with the presence of two additional Goddess' who are with me for reasons I am only coming to understand.
The Spirits of my Father's ancestors watch over me from the stars, just as the spirits of Wolf, Bear and Buffalo are with me always. It is my belief that our spirit walks this plane in each lifetime on a quest, what that quest is can only be determined by each of us. When we come to realize what it is, then it is up to us to have the courage to embrace the truth of it when we find it and to act accordingly.
~to believe that death is the end is to deny the spirit's flight, to deny the spirit's flight is to believe in the end of ALL~
~Some will understand and some will not, however as Dr. Seuss said, “Those that mind don’t matter and those that matter don’t mind.” And as one of my other favorite quotes goes, "I what I am and that is all that I am” And with this, I am truly at peace.~
Understand this: the talents, skills and potentials with which you are endowed are tools for the fashioning and manifesting of your creative energies for the good of all and the harm of none, except in the defense of self and those under your protection, and so, strengthen and cultivate your Spirit, for misused to serve only the Ego, they deprive others, harm some and above all, weaken the Spirit.
I do not define myself by how many roadblocks have appeared in my path. I define myself by the Courage I have found to forge new paths. I do not define myself by how many disappointments I’ve faced. I define myself by the Forgiveness and the Faith I have found to begin again. I do not define myself by how long a relationship lasted. I define myself by how much I have Loved and been Willing to love again. I do not define myself by how many times I have been knocked down. I define myself by how many times I have struggled to my feet.
~Many will touch your hand, a few will touch your heart, however only the One will dance with your soul~
If you understand that WANTING is not the same as NEEDING, that sometimes you can't come first, that Perfection is only in the mind, that Fate has a way of stepping on our toes, that if I say "fine" I mean fine, that if you ask me a question you will get an Honest answer, that Head Games and Fairy Tales are for little girls not grown women, that you will Never Know unless you Take a Chance, that the Possibility far outweighs the Probability, that acquaintences are many but REAL friends few, and that I am ALWAYS there for my friends no questions asked, that Negativity has no place in my life, that I have never broken a confidence, that we all have a Destiny and some have yet to find it, then email me. The answers are there, you but need to ask the right question, yet remember this always, if the answers were easy there would be no need for the questions.
sail away
in ebony darkness
starlight guides across
a moonlit sea
free to dream
of wonderous things
release the day
clear your mind
renew the spirit
sail away
© 2009
follow the unknown
fly on butterfly wings
perfect frailities might
through life's dance
labyrinth of time whispers
floating through mist
of precious moments
shall it always be
as it was to be
winds swirl thoughts
pure essence of change
pierce haze of time
as radiant sunlight
kisses the misty haze
pure essence of faith
sweet song of fate
carried to the clouds
through time's labyrinth
into the unknown
transformed forever
on butterfly wings
© 2010
time floats free
in endless forest
dissolves in softness
of misty nothingness
sparkling sunlight
quietly surrounds
spirit's silent walk
thru sleepless thoughts
while memories fly
on dragons wings
in azure clouds
answers whispered to
questions unspoken
flow on the breeze
dance on the air
serenity's song
aria of the wind
wafts through leaves
hung from arms
of ancient elders
answers of the ages
flowing in the mist
embrace spirit in peace
walking in endless forest
as time floats free
© 2010