Kiwis can fly
Female 84 years old Nelson New Zealand
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Profile Views: 1536
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05/20/2018 17:00:36 |
Fiddler on the Roof.
The Great Escape
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers movies.
Bad Day at Black Rock.
To Kill a Mocking Bird.
Like many different sorts of music including,Classical, Jazz, Rock.
Hate the 'talking' so called music.
Favourie singers, Andre Pacelli, Don McLean, Frank Sinatra, K D Lang, Dean Martin, Andy Williams, Judy Garland, Bettee Midler,Chris De Burgh.
Favourtie groups. Queen, The Beatles, Abba, Crowded House. The Beach Boys, The bee Gees.
The only books I won't have are romance, science fiction or westerns. Love autobiograhies, true adventure, crime, mystery, animal stories, history.
my favourite book ever has to be 'Pride and Prejudice'.
Favourtie authors; Jane Austen, Dick Francis, Lee Child, Nicholas Monserrat, Norman Collins, H.E Bates, Anthony Trollope, John Bryson, Bryce Courtney to navme a few. Unfortunately, can now only listen to Audio books, I do miss re reading passages.
This has changed over the year.
Once I started earning the first garments I purchased were black trousers and a black top.
Then it was black or red up until my twenties, then it was all shades of blue.
Then back to black and red
Now all shades of purple from fuchsia to lavender to rich grape and purple.
Mmmmm... that has to be roast pork, with roast potatoes, steamed and buttered Savoy cabbage and minted peas AND don't forget the gravy!!
A born and bred New Zealander, proud to be a kiwi and love my country.
Have lived in both North and South Islands. Now resident in sunny Nelson, the Sunshine capital of the country.
Started work on my fifteenth birthday and only just retired two years ago, so many occupations in over 50 years, clerical, nursing,banking,sewing, toymaaking, preschool eduction, self employed, orcharding and floraculture.
I like being retired and having time to do what I enjoy. Gardening, craft work, playing Petanque, Women's Institute, meeting friends, family time, fun on the computer, photography, and cooking sometimes!
Love out two Burmese cats, they give us so much enjoyment and they seem to think we are tops!
I don't like mean people, anyone who is cruel to pets, dishonest people, peple who just take and never give.
Trying to stay young!! not doing well in that regard!
Writing poems for family and friends birthday cards.
Thinking that one day I will write my history.