About Me
Male 89 years old Louisiana United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1490
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10/12/2009 08:37:26 |
Lonesome Dove, Midway, We Were Soldiers, Ladder 49, Quigly Down Under, Cross Fire, Saber River, The Green Mile, Pearl Harbor, The Guardian
Oldies rock, Gospel, Country. Everything by Johann Strauss and André Rieu.
Anything technical. Aviation, Computers, Jukeboxes
I'm retired from the local Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the Coast Guard Reserve. Served 10 1/2 years in the USMC, one year in the USAR and 18 years in USCGR. I'm a pilot, but don't fly anymore. Was a DJ for about 10 years before going into TV news and engineering. A total of around 40 years. Active in amateur radio.
Serve my community as a volunteer fireman and medical first responder.
Past adventures: Civil Air Patrol, SCUBA diver, deputy sheriff.
Currently: A VFW life member. NRA member.
Restored early Wurlitzer jukeboxes, record players and radios for many years. Have a small collection of these, plus hundreds of vinyl in 45, 78, 33 1/3 and CDs. Have a few Edison cylinders and very early shellac and hard-rubber 78s.
My site link: http://pages.suddenlink.net/wurparts/index.htm
End of my boring about me narrative.
Maintaining and driving my 1995 Jaguar XJS.
Checking into the Gulf Coast Sideband and Central Gulf Coast Hurricane amateur radio nets.
Checking on my friends here on the Hill.
Romping with my buddy Boudreaux.
Feeding Brave Heart cat food.
Amateur radio, aviation, computer, restoring jukeboxes, driving the Jaguar