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mem_normal OFFLINE
76 years old
Dayton, Ohio
United States

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JOB: Retired
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MEMBER SINCE: 02/16/2009
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius
LAST LOGIN: 03/12/2011 07:45:38

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All the Star Wars, Star Trek, Eddie and the Cruisers 1 & 2 (2 of the 4 DVD's I've actually bought), Sci-fi, mysteries, adventure, anything with Steve McQueen, Clint Eastwood, Samuel L. Jackson, Morgan Freeman, Tommy lee Jones, and of course Harrison Ford, Brendan Fraser and too many others to mention, and anything with a weird plot twist! The other 2 DVD's I've bought, Pirates of the Caribean 1&2! Probably my favorites, that I watch every time they're on, Men in Black, Independence Day. Love the 2 "Mummy" movies starring Brendan Fraser!!



Catherine Coulter, Lisa Gardner, Elmore Leonard, Sue Grafton, any many, many other mysteries. Tom Clancy and a few others in that genre. And of course most everyone's favorite, Stephen King!

Purple and Teal and Purple!! Almost everything I've got is purple. Love purple roses!!! but lilacs are my favorite!

I was invited here by a friend who thought I'd enjoy it. I always like to meet new friends!! I'm 60 now, wow, never thought I'd make that!! I have one daughter and two granddaughters. The youngest granddaughter just turned 18!! Where does the time go?? Enjoy them while they're little!!

I'm considered disabled and I strongly dislike that word. I'll go along with handicapped because I'm a lot slower than I used to be, but diabetes and osteoarthritis don't make me totally unable to do things. And that's what the word disabled sounds like.

I've got a great sense of humor and like to laugh a lot. Don't like to be down or around others who are all the time. I try to live life to the fullest and don't want to stop til I drop!!!

I don't approve all people for friends. I like to look at your profile so I can see if we have common interests!! What else do you base friendships on?? So, if I can't see your profile, I may not approve you!!

Got My Cursor @ 123Cursors.com

My daughter and granddaughters; hugs; cuddling; purple roses; dolphins; tattoos; romantics!!! Love to watch the sun come up while keeping an eye on the fishing line! Waking up in a tent as long as it doesn't get below freezing!

People who hold grudges or are generally down, get over it, life's too short; liars; puttin' on airs!; pessimism;

Fishing, camping, fishing, reading, fishing, movies, I'm apt to try anything once! Did I mention that I like to fish? Always wanted to skydive, but think I'm beyond that now! I love the Zeldas on the Nintendo, from the beginning, I'm using the Gamecube now and just got the new one that works on it and the Wii. Not sure I want that console, looks like too much work!! And I do love my football! and my Kentucky Wildcats!



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