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mem_normal OFFLINE
82 years old

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JOB: Retired
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RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 06/15/2008
LAST LOGIN: 09/05/2009 00:18:03

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I enjoyed "My House in Umbria" very much. Just love Maggie Smith's acting.

Hope to go and see the film "Australia" soon. It has had a panning from the critics but everyone I know who has seen it thinks it's good.
There are currently a few movies I would like to see but haven't got there yet. If I miss them there is always the opportunity to get the video later.

Christian worship music
Classical - but hardly seem to have time to listen to it these days.
My husband is a fan of Nana Mouskouri as well as Welsh choirs, good tenors and Paul Robeson - so I get to listen to a lot of them.

Authors who always seem to speak "my language" in particular are Henri Nouwen and Philip Yancy.

I like many colours - all the rainbow. But to wear I like blue, pink, aqua, various shades of purple, red & maroon. The only colours that don't look good on me are the "muddy" colours e.g. olive.

I like all kinds of food. Quite happy to experiment with different cuisines. In recent years have added quite an Asian flavour to my cooking. I have quite a number of Asian friends and contacts.

Have settled in well to my new location and am enjoying being back in the metropolitan area of Perth so that I can have more regular contact with my family (brother and sister) and also longstanding friends who live around Perth. Do miss the quietness of the country town (especially the lack of traffic!) Have found a lively church to belong to and am really enjoying living close to the beach so that we can go for our regular walks there and if the weather is suitable for swims also. Our beach is never crowded (had it to ourselves the other day) and the water is crystal clear and never has large waves. We did have a shark attack not far from where we swim so we stay in shallow water to be on the safe side. There is a regular shark patrol which watches for sharks too close to the beaches.
Our vegie garden is producing quite well seeing as it's fairly small and I'm enjoying using fresh produce in salads and other cooking.
We recently had a trip to Esperance which is a 7 hour journey by road (a long, long way) and had a lovely time there. It is a lovely area and there are many very active and hospitable Christians there. We were truly blessed in many ways.

I'm married but have no children. I married late so that opportunity passed me by. I do sometimes wish I had grandchildren but both my husband and I make up for this a bit by relating to some young families that we know.

I was retired but the last 3 years have gone to a small country town to help the local congregation. Now I have returned to the Perth metropolitan area and we are living in our own home. This house was rented out while we were in the country but was not our previous residence. We have enjoyed getting it up to what we like (both house and garden) and that has kept us fairly busy. The work is not all completed yet.

I am enjoying having the time to experiment with new recipes. I do like cooking.
We do enjoy browsing in nurseries looking for new plants and also visiting op shops 9for those unexpected bargains).
I have also started knitting Teddy Bears for the local hospital. They give them to children who have to come to the hospital and it apparently settles the children who might otherwise be upset. The ambulances also take some along. I am just one of an army of volunteers which support the hospital and its services.

January is a very hot month here (as also February) and everyone takes things a little easy. I quite enjoy the relaxed feeling of summer although some of the very hot days can be trying.

I never seem to manage to fit into my life all that I would like to do (but I'm not alone in that).

Love nature in all its forms. I marvel at all the beauty and diversity that God has made.
I'm a bit of a bookworm but these days read mainly Christian books and the newspaper.
I love a colourful garden and it's been great seeing our garden coming into bloom.

I love going walking with my husband. We go most days and are blessed that we live not far from the ocean. It is beautiful in all its moods.

I find it difficult to deal with people who are manipulative or try to boss me around.
I hate the way obscene language is creeping into everyday conversations. I do not like violence in films, TV or books ( or real life for that matter).

I have enjoyed learning more and more about how to use my computer. Largely taught myself with a bit of help from more knowledgeable friends.

I enjoy knitting and gardening. Roses are my favourite flower but I like most flowers. My aim is always to have a colourful garden with lots of flowers I can pick and bring inside.
I like cooking and experimenting with new recipes.
I have a long-standing commitment with Emmaus Walks and was involved in prayer ministry.

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