Female 93 years old Canada
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1530
  [ 207 ]
07/13/2012 11:44:54 |
No favorites - don't go to theater. Occasionally watch movie on TV but prefer documentaries.
country(older classic) Bluegrass, swing (30's 40's) Waltzes, big band
No real favorite - just don't like purple much
I'm about 5'1", 108lbs. Birthday the end of June
Dogs, cats, horses. watching TV, "playing" on my computer. Feeding the birds and making planters and flower beda in the spring. Taking pictures.
Antique and classic cars.
People who are loud and rude and 'put on airs'.
Ill mannered children (and dogs)
'Bubble' wrap and bottles I can't get open!
Used to do 'paint-by-numbers, taking pictures,
e-mailing friends. Bird watching
ilovecorgies has 19 friend(s)