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mem_normal OFFLINE
67 years old
Shingle Springs, California
United States

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Profile Views: 2049
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Profile Views: 2050

JOB: Self employed
DRINK: Sometimes
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 10/24/2008
LAST LOGIN: 09/25/2009 06:39:04

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Apr 17 2009, 8:59 am by joie
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Mar 31 2009, 7:03 am by joie
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I love old classics, good love stories, good chic flicks, action hero's save the day, good drama, a good movie is simply a good movie! Mama Mia is coming out soon, it is incredibly awesome and if you are a woman, obviously over 40, you will adore it!

Enjoy a wide variety of music. My daughter being 15, owns the music in the house and on the car radio, truthfully, I like it too! Which is great because we often share our favorite songs together, as we sing along. She does automatically turn the rap off though, she knows I have not quite acquired the tolerance for much of that stuff.

I love inspirational books, and my all time favorite, The Holy Bible!

Green ... Natural Green, there are so many beautiful shades.

I love soup! mamma's homemade is the best, and Chicken n Dumplings!

I have a twitter account, but I am alone there. I do use facebook however.

Maybe not news, but a bit of advise to my young friends.

Take the time and listen to your gut. Sometimes we don't get a second chance to get it right. Sometimes we miss the best opportunities because we were too busy hoping our wrong choices would become right.

At the age of 40, I admitted to my Mother, "Yes, now I finally realize, you did know everything!" Now at the age of 52, I am hoping my daughter will wise up faster than I did!

I’m an early riser, I enjoy having some time for myself before it belongs to everyone else.

Been Divorced for many many years, raising my daughter who is now 15! Keep me in your prayers, what a challenge!

Work self employed, Elder Companion/Assistant & I am an Independent Avon Rep, you are welcome to view my site and my blog at www.youravon.com/joielehman

Recently began a new ministry of sharing my many testimonies with any one who cares to listen. The Lord has been bugging me for awhile to use my voice in sharing, I have been trying not to hear because I fear, I am not a speaker! But ... when you constantly hear "DING DONG" God is calling, you know it is time to answer and become obedient. So if I am some what in your area and you have a group that may be interested in hearing my shared stories, you are welcome to contact me.

Having more time to ...
write, garden, serve, create, share, and most definitely have more fun!

Not using my time more wisely.

I enjoy writing when I find the time. Enjoy laughter with my friends and family, which I opt to do rather than hobbies, and it gives me wonderful memories to write about!

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05/01/2021 06:51:58

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