Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity
Female 77 years old East Liverpool United States
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Profile Views: 1753
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08/28/2009 07:40:59 |
Bridges of Madison County,Casino,Goodfellas,The Postman,Dr.Zhivago,Raiders of the Lost Ark,Star Wars,Return of the Jedi,Scarface,Terminator,
Godfather, Cousins
Santana, Gloria Estefan, Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones,Joan Baez, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Lindsay Buckingham, 13th Floor Elevator, Buddy Guy, Robert Cray, Leonard Cohen, Buffy Ste-Marie,
Prince, Hall and Oates, Bob Marley, the Doors,
Tina Turner, Blood,Sweat and Tears,Gypsy Kings
Tree Grows in Brooklyn, First Deadly Sin and others by Lawrence Sanders
my dog Shorty Louise, playing canasta on yahoo,working soduko puzzles. Sunday dinner with the son and his family. oh and black eyed susans. and certain sunsets that conjure up memories.
well there is this certain woman at work... *L*