Just a small amount about me!!
Female 73 years old Missouri United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 657
[ 32 ]
Christian - other |
12/16/2008 18:00:31 |
Love to read all kinds of books, from Stephen King, to books on Oprah's list!
Just about all colors and mixes of them.
I have tattoos, over 40 of them. I just got my latest, as a memory to my son that was killed on March 20, 2008, he was 31 years old, had a little girl 3 days shy of her first B-day and a baby that was only 2 months old. He was my best friend, and the youngest of my kids, we were very close. I have another son and my daughter, that has been my right hand, we all raised each other, so its been a horrible time for me.
I have 2 little red-haired grankids, 7 & 9, and they take after me in some ways, I pity my daughter, LOL~
I just moved from WI to MO, so I can be closer to them, after lossing my youngest son, I didnt want to miss anymore days of my grandkids lives, and we are loving it!
My Chihuahua, named Ruby, she is very attached to me.
People that judge others,by the way they look, before they take time to get to know the person!
Reading, Crafts, Computer, Rock collecting.
katiesmess has 2 friend(s)