Female 75 years old United States
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Christian - other |
06/29/2012 21:13:19 |
The Way We Were with Barbara Streisand and any of the Rocky movies or others with Sylvester Stalone, Steel Magnolias, Fried Green Tomatoes, To Kill a Mocking Bird, dramas and character studies. I don't like movies designed to scare the peewadden out of me but, there are two that I seem to watch every time they come on t.v., "It" and "The Stand". The latest movie I saw was called, "The Bucket List", with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nichols. It was very good I thought.
Country, country, country -- Elvis, Elvis, Elvis
Music from the 50s, 60s & 70s
I don't listen often, but I do like opera type music also.
When hubby was working (and I wasn't) I would turn the volume up loud while doing housework and found it very relaxing.
Hubby hates country, Elvis and opera, but he can now tolerate the country when we are in the car.
Have to think about this one. There are so many good ones out there. Let's see, I read as a kid and loved, How Green Was My Valley. I guess you could say that I like fictional stories based around historic events.
Of course, I should mention the Bible, which I do believe is the greatest book ever written. I say that not because I believe it is the literal word of God, but that if it is read and prayed about it will lead us to live a life that God would have us live.
I recently read the Twilight series, best sellers that my son gave me for Christmas. It is very easy reading about teenage vampires of all things.
I hated to see the series end. The author started a fifth book, but, evidently it god leaked to the internet and she is not going to finish it now. She should though, because I found what I read of it on the internet very engaging.
I don't have just one, but I like pastels and earth tones, turquoise and peach or coral and, of course, certain pinks.
Meat, potatoes & gravy and also Chinese, Mexican & Filipino
Well, today (6/21) is my first day back on the computer after three weeks away (and prior to that, my PC had been in for repairs). I separated from my husband of 41 years and it has taken me all this time to unpack and get settled in. I work eight hours a day too which keeps me busy. Anyway, I am doing well and am glad to be back on the computer.
WELCOME FRIENDS!!!!! - I hope you enjoy your visit.
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A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, "Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like."
The Lord led the holy man to two doors.
He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew, which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water.
The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful. But because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths.
The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering.
The Lord said, "You have seen Hell."
They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking. The holy man said, "I don't understand."
"It is simple," said the Lord. "It requires but one skill. You see, they have learned to feed and care for each other, while the greedy think only of themselves."
- - - If only we could all grasp that idea! - - -
I'm told I'm a very friendly person and I do like or get along with most people. I consider myself more or less a country gal and was raised with animals as a kid, and have almost always had some type of animal including bummer lambs, goats, bottle raised pigs, chickens, hampsters, pet rats and cats and dogs in addition to my son's snakes and lizards when he was a kid. Currently I have a small dog and three cats who love Elvis as much as I do,lol!
I love to read, sew, do needlework and build puzzles, although I rarely do those things anymore now that I have the PC for a hobby.
I am a Christian and Love God very much, although my views are very different than those of most believers.
I work swing shift as a cashier in the cosmetic department of a major drug store, am married for 39 years and have three grown children, one of whom recently got married.
Someone told me I should add the jobs I've had in the past so here goes: typist, secretary in a bank (in the days when the officers had secretaries) and as a teller, receptionist and secretary in an accounting firm, a short stint in Silicone Valley as secretary for a start-up company, secretary on a military base for supply dept for McMurdo station in the south pole, a classroom aide for the developmentally disabled ranging in age from kindergarten to junior high school age. I think that about covers it.
I love life and people.
I like the animations made by my friend who calls herself Sonata. One of her animations is below and others can be found in my gallelry. She is one of the best animators out there I think and hers are very special because of all the detail that she puts into them. They aren't just pictures with sparkes around them. Feel free to snag any that you like (but please do not resize them and, of course, don't remove or change her signature mark).
And now, on for more of the things that I like.
I like hugs. I don't think you can get or give too many of those.
 I loooove Christmas. (It is the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus, my Savior and friend. Although I consider myself a liberal thinking Christian, I do believe that he is the son of God and the greatest person who ever lived and I try to follow in his footsteps and treat people as he would have.) - My husband was raised Jewish and never had a traditional Christmas so I tell you what, he saw to it that from our very first Christmas together we always had grand Christmas mornings with way too many gifts for the kids, it would take us hours to open them because we would only open one at a time. I always like big Christmas celebrations so when hubby was in the service we would invite others who had no family around and share our Christmas and Thanksgivings. Those were such grand times.
I like people, the beauty of nature, animals (do you think I might like cats a little), debating or a good discussion when there's a difference of opinion, being around upbeat, cheerful people, going to flea markets, picnicing (oh, which I haven't done in ages and ages but which just sounds wonderful as I think about it now).
I don't like the opinions of people who see things only in black and white -- People who are negative most of the time -- Animal cruelty or cruelty to people -- Liver (unless I cook my own liver & onions), raw onions (unless on chili), and pasta.
Reading, crocheting, knitting, building puzzles, sewing, crafts. -- Almost forgot, THE COMPUTER (including PSP and Ani Shop). Don't know why I forgot because, due to the computer, I rarely do those other things, lol.
I will be away from the computer for about a week, so PLEASE NO COMMENTS until May 8th. I don't want to get too far behind. But, I'd be happy to have you leave personal messages if you like :)