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Suzy Sings BASS!!

mem_normal OFFLINE
71 years old
Kettle, Kentucky
United States

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Profile Views: 2758

JOB: Retired
DRINK: Socially
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 07/14/2008
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
LAST LOGIN: 07/16/2020 13:36:06

Arcade Champion: Danny
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Robin Williams is my all time favorite actor. I also love Whoopee, John Travolta, Harrison Ford, Morgan Freeman, Mel Gibson, Denzel Washington, etc... Some of my semi-recent favorites are: Indiana Jones & the Crystal Skull, Hairspray, August Rush, Wild Hogs, Bucket List. My all time favorites are Birdcage, Pretty Woman, Sister Act I&II, Clara, Awakenings, Good Will Hunting, Nell, Air Force One, the Indiana Jones series, What Women Want...

I'm very eclectic in my taste in music. I enjoy about everything EXCEPT heavy opera, heavy metal and most rap.

I sang BASS with the Somerset Community Choir & Vocal Ensemble and we went to Italy in 2008 for a choral competition.

I tried to upload KD Lang's Hallelujah, but alas the file was too large for this site. SOOOOO... I had to settle for her duet with Roy Oberson - Crying. Another favorite of mine is Queen Latefah's I Know Where I've Been from Hairspray.

Yes, I DO play tuba, although I am severely out of practice now. I play cornet every week with a locak community band and LOVE it. I was a Music Education major in college (Western KY University 1975) with Tuba as my major instrument and percussion as my minor.

I was a High School Band Director for a few years and I still enjoy going to marching band competitions! Our Cumberland County HS band placed 4th in the entire state of KY in class A this past year!! WE ARE SO PROUD!! In Danville, KY, the 2nd weekend in June each year, we attend the GREAT AMERICAN BRASS BAND FESTIVAL. It is an awesome event and this was my 12th year to attend.

I read purely for entertainment. My favorite 'romance' author is LaVeryl Spencer. I just LOVE her writing style! I also enjoy Iris Johanson, John Grishom, Dick Francis, Danielle Steel, and others.

My favorite color has always been a deep, dark red. NOT burgandy or marroon, but just a lovely shade of dark red. I also love all bright colors.

Favorite food? Thats a hard one! I don't think I can narrow it down to just one! haha My favorite meal is Ribeye steak - medium, a nice garden salad, baked potato with sour cream AND butter and if I have room after all that a slice of MY OWN pecan pie. Southern fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn on cob and good ole' 'naner pudding is a close 2nd favorite meal as is baked ham with sweet potatoes. YUM YUM!!

I'm an only child. I lost my Dad when I was 11 and my Mother Jan 4, 2008. I've been happily married since May 2000. We met on the Internet through YAHOO! lol He moved all the way from WA to KY just to be with lil' ole ME! That is SOME KINDA MAN! lol My first husband passed away in 1990 of lung cancer and I have a 25 yr old daughter from that union who is the joy and bane of my life! I trust God that she will grow up and get it together some day!

We live on 3 acres in rural Kettle, KY about 7 miles from the nearest tiny town of Burkesville - pop, 1800. We have 2 'yard' dogs and 2 little house dogs along with 2 mostly outside cats. I LOVE my babies!

We are Christians and have a strong faith in God. I can't understand how people manage to live day to day without Him in their lives. We attend, and are members of Burkesville 1st Christian Church.

My hubby is an over-the-road truck driver, only home on weekends, and I am retired due to a bum back and bum knees, so I spend the majority of my time HOME ALONE! lol I don't know how I ever lived without my computer! I spend several hours each day sitting in front of my monitor. My animals keep me company.

For the past 17-18 years, I have been heavily involved with Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana and also with 4-H Clubs for not quite as long. For the past 5-6 years, Matt and I have been active in the Trucker Buddy program too. These are all WONDERFUL organizations for kids/teens and I have enjoyed being a part of them tremendously!

I'm not quite sure how to include all the things I like here! lol

I love spending time with my hubby and daughter. We don't get to do it nearly enough!

I enjoy having fun, and I don’t need drugs or alcohol to do it! I prefer to remember the fun I have! Lol I love to tease and cut up and I tend to overdo both.

I enjoy singing so much that I drive 150 miles round trip TWICE each week just to be able to sing with a choir and vocal ensemble. That is the nearest opportunity to sing to where I live. Shoot, we live 45 miles from the nearest Wal-Mart or McDonalds! Haha

My hubby and I enjoy traveling whenever we can. We take frequent weekend trips within a 5-6 hr drive of our home and have taken 4 longer trips since we have been married.

I have a passion for Station Wagons and have had several during my life - Pinto, Bobcat, Cavalier, Grand Marquis, 2 Escorts, Tracer, Taurus and presently, I drive a 2001 dark red, Ford Focus wagon. I believe in letting someone else pay the high price for the new car and break it in good. Then I will buy it and wear it completely out! You can also probably tell I come from a FORD family! lol

I don't like bigotry, insincerity, wastefulness, dishonesty, 55 MPH speed limits! lol, really hot, humid weather, really cold, snowy weather, brussel sprouts, cooked cabbage, people who mistreat animals or other humans, people who are 'power hungry', people who don't do their job correctly or member sites with no SPELL CHECK! haha

My favorite hobbies are Singing, Scrapbooking and my Computer, but I enjoy about any craft. I teach craft classes to Girl Scouts, 4-H clubs, Leaders in both groups and at an annual area Heritage Skills Retreat. I enjoy doing Huck Embroidery and Swedish Weaving and most needlework but not too great at it! lol

I love to play card games both in real life and online. Spades, Canasta, Rummy, etc... I also enjoy board games but I rarely get to play them.

I generally enjoy piddling with my flowers and a tiny vege garden but this past year, I just couldn't get myself motivated. I think it probably has to do with losing my Mom, as she always enjoyed a garden SO MUCH!

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