Lord, help me to be the person my dog thinks I am.
Female 70 years old Clarence United States
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Profile Views: 2567
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05/26/2008 05:51:59 |
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Apr 25 2008, 8:03 am by leener
Apr 06 2008, 11:29 am by leener
Apr 06 2008, 1:39 am by leener
Mar 29 2008, 8:38 pm by leener
Not a big movie-goer. Altho I do have some fav actors I try to catch.
I will admit to still liking the Disco era along with top 40, & 'Oldies', too.
I am totally into medical mysteries!! Authors like Robin Cook, Tess Gerritsen, & Michael Palmer. I've also read all of John Grisham's. Usually manage to hit all the top-rated ones besides. My saying is, "So many books, so little time!"
Without a public library close by, I belong to a book club which explains my boxes & boxes of hardbacks!!
Because of my green eyes, I tend to like teal & bright shades of green. Any & all crayon colors are found in my closet!
I love food. Period. Love to cook & try out new recipes. Make my own bread, using the wood stove heat as a 'proofing area'. My neighbors (& the mailman) love my cookies!
Being single is no excuse not to eat right & it's cheaper, too. I'm still a size 6 so I can pig out all I want....
In my previous life, as I now so fondly refer to it, I was a bartender & a waitress. Then I went back to school in my late 30's to become a Medical Lab Technician. Left everything behind in Iowa & literally 'bought the farm' here!
Due to a back injury just over 3 yrs ago & subsequent surgery, jobs have come & gone. Thru it all, my dogs, & my friends have held me together. I am truly blessed! The journey never ends....
And part of the wonderful journey now includes being part of the Welcome Wagon Staff here on the HILL! Such an honor & sooo good for the soul!
Books, cooking, dogs, cats, people, humor (duh!), my 'puter, brain games, & sleep.
Arrogant people. Self confidence is one thing... THAT is another.
See "what I like" above.