"Who seeks a faultless friend, remains friendless"- Turkish Proverb
Female 64 years old Center Conway, New Hampshire United States
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Profile Views: 1044
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12/04/2008 17:58:26 |
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"Face Off", "7 years in Tibet", so many I can't think of..I love Adam Sandler, Brad Pitt, Meryl Streep, Al Pacino,Julia Roberts,....so many.
I haven't been to a movie theater in years...anyone from North Conway, NH that would like to see a movie?
I listen to a variety..just not rap or hard rock. I love easy listening...Tim Janis.. and also Music for the Mood..sometimes U2, The Rolling Stones, Dave Mathews..lots of types.
"Angelas Ashes"- I met Frank McCourt. A lovely man.
Fresh Vegetables and Fish. I also will try anything. It must be due to my upbringing, "finish everything on your plate" and not having any choice!
I am a divorced Mom of two beautiful, bright children! They are 22 and 20. My daughter has her AS in Business Management. Her BS in Finance. She is the "Budget Analyst" in the corporate offices of LL Bean.
My son will have his AS in Computer Technology and then his BS in Computer Science.
I have my AS in Dental Assisting..a 25 year career. I have been diagnosed as 100% disabled due to a hurrendous accident in 1989. I have had two major surgeries. One immediately due to the accident. I have two harrington rods on bith sides of my spine. I had a second surgery in 2005 due to many vertebrae struggling to support the only place my back could move. They all collapsed and moved out of alignment. The second surgery included one false vertebrae places thru my stomach to my spine. Secured with a screw. Also two move plates 6 screws on either side of my spine. I sm now facing a third "big one"
I have a yellow lab, a shitzu/lapso cross and a lazy cat! I am back in college! My degree will be in medical Assisting. It's so hard going back after graduating from college 28 years ago!
I love People...I make friends easily..I love to make people smile and laugh! I love children. They keep me busy...great niece and great nephew..I love them so...My family...My relatives...My Animals and My flower garden.
Fake people...lying, boasting....People who are mean and think they are "better" or "Superior" than you.
Abusive people..I was physically and Mentally abused while married.
Gardening, Cooking, my physical therapy-in the pool! Photography
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