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mem_normal OFFLINE
63 years old
Cleveland, Ohio
United States

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MEMBER SINCE: 08/07/2008
LAST LOGIN: 01/07/2023 16:13:43

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Ghost, Micheal w/ John Travolta. I'm a sucker for a good love story.


I love Nickelback, Daughtry. I'm very young at heart. I still go to rock concerts & my son's & I have many of the same songs on our play lists. Can't give up good rock songs just because I'm getting older now can I.



This is a poem I wrote in honor of my female chihuahua Penny. She was adopted from a shelter and so terrified of people that it took her two weeks to let anyone in our house touch her.

Those Little Eyes

Those little eyes stared up at me
from in a cage where you ended up to be.
You growled and snarled and snapped
but i knew you would end up in my lap.
You were just frightened and alone
from being thrown away from your old home.
Even after being left in such a lonely place
you still dared to trust the Human Race.
Those little eyes once scared and alone
are filled with trust in your new loving home.
If only they could have seen in those little eyes then,
they would have known what could have been.
But since they had no time or space
you ended up in my special place.
I know you will never see those cage bars again,
because you are now my very special little friend.
Carol Ann Black
Copyright ©2008 Carol Ann Black

This poem was written when my husband worked nights & I worked days.

Your Day, My Night

I feel so lost in the middle of the night,
your not there within my sight.

I know that you will be home soon,
but I can't help feeling the sense of doom.

The morning light brings you close to my side
our feelings we cannot hide.

The warmth and security are abounding in me,
unfortunately it cannot be.

"I have to meet the world today",
to you I regretfully must say.

Your day my night, my night your day,
it is truely unfortunate it is this way.

Carol Ann Black
Copyright ©2008 Carol Ann Black

Both of these are published in a book of poems and on poetry.com.

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I'm 53,my sign is Leo Photobucket I'm married for 28 yrs. this past June. This is my second marriage, my first husband passed away when I was 23. I remarried and just celebrated our 27th anniversary this past June. I have three boys 34 27 & 23

I am disabled with major back problems that led to permanent nerve damage so I can't work.
I make greeting cards and invitations to try and help pass the hours. Once my mind is involved in creating I loose track of the pain for a lil while anyway and I manage to create cards that fill people with joy and put a smile on their face. So I turned a negative into a positive.

I also have fostered over 140 motherless kittens over the last 6 yrs or so for the Cleveland Animal Protective League. I have always loved animals. They give that unconditional love, how can you pass that up, lol. I get them when they are under 2 lbs. and usually not well. I nurse them back to health and teach them all they need to know to live a happy pet life with someone. I teach them to get along with other pets, since we have 4 dogs and 4 cats.

My 27 yr old son got married on Oct. 23, 2010 they had their first child (daughter), our first grandchild, on March 18, 2009. You can find her pics in my gallery. Baby Ellie (Eleanor Hope)was born on 4-29-11 at 11 am sharp. She is so beautiful and such a good lil baby. We have a new grand daughter, Autumn Rose born on Oct. 24, 2013. Her big sisters kayla & Ellie love her from first sight as did all of us. We are expecting grand daughter #4 in March!

I belong to a Court watch program, our group goes to sentencing trials to encourage the Judge to give the largest sentence possible due to the severity of the crime and how it impacted our area. We also run the Block Club meeting on our street, this is our 6th year and the club has made such a difference on our street in many ways. I belong to our police districts community relations board also, we stay involved with the police to inform them of areas that need attention and to bridge the gap between police and the citizens in the district. Also belong to the neighborhood walking club, we walk twice a week for an hour or so, nice to have company while your walking.



My favorite qoute/sayings are below:

Have Hope, Be Patient, Take Courage, Find Peace.

The goal in life is to be as good of a person as your dog thinks you are!

'The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything.'





I like crisp clear summer nights, the sloppy kiss of a puppy, the purr of a kitty in your ear.

I like the smile on the face of a friend after they read a card I made just for them.


People that don't know how to drive properly on the freeway, sour pickles, sardines.



Making greeting cards & invitations. Making jewelry & crocheting. I also collect Boyd's Bears & Cherished Teddies, I think I love teddy bears as much as I love animals.



This morning I searched my wallet.
It was empty

Then, I checked my pockets.
I found a few coins...

I then searched my heart and found you.
Then, I realized how rich I really am...

Thanks for being my friend and e-mail buddy!
May you be as rich as I am!

JellyMuffin.com - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

Displaying 4 out of 7 comments
08/15/2024 07:30:57


08/17/2023 08:49:51

An early wish! Happy Birthday! Be healthy, prosperous and LOVED!
Hugs and prayers also sent!

08/17/2022 23:34:17

Where are you...are U OK? Happy Birthday!

Hugs and prayers sent too.


08/17/2021 02:48:17

Happy Birthday! All the best from my distant land!

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