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76 years old

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Profile Views: 11977
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Profile Views: 11978

JOB: Retired
DRINK: Socially
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 04/30/2008
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
LAST LOGIN: 04/26/2023 08:00:31

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Feb 03 2019, 7:37 am by margaretag
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Dec 05 2018, 6:02 am by margaretag
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May 22 2017, 6:37 am by margaretag
1 53
Jan 30 2017, 2:45 am by margaretag
5 33
Aug 19 2016, 6:11 am by margaretag
6 101
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I like most movies except violent action movies.
Some favourites:
Forrest Gump
Dead Poets' Society
Lord of the Rings (better as book though)
And, yes, actually: Crocodile Dundee

Best family film ever: The Jungle Book
Best TV series ever: M*A*S*H

A fabulous Swedish movie "Såsom I Himmelen = As It Is In Heaven". You can listen to Gabriellas sång performed by Helen Sjöholm in my videos. The film was nominated for an Oscar in 2004. If you haven't seen it yet: Try to... it is really good!

Mostly classical music but also old rock music, music from the 70s and the Swedish artists: Björn Skifs, Tommy Körberg,Jerry Williams and Carola.
For line dancing: country
And I love Spanish music.

In the player at the very top of the page I've put some Swedish music that I like and that has been popular here. It's performed by some of our most wellknown artists. Below in the player you can hear a Swedish guitarist and a Norwegian singer perform a song with text written by a Swedish poet. The songs name translated into English is roughly: And walking through the meadows...

I love all of Cicely Mary Barker's books about flower fairies.

I also love novels from places far away and long ago. Most of the time there is a love story in them too. Good examples:
Lian Hearn's novels about the Otori clan in ancient Japan. The first being "Across the Nightingale floor" and Diana Gabaldon's novels starting with "Outlander".
Because it's set in a place I'd love to go to for a painting holiday I just love "Mistral's Daughter" by Judith Krantz.

These are only a very little sample of authors and books that I like. I have a special place in my heart for detective stories and poetry, so a lot of them have found their way into my bookshelves.

I love all shades of blue. And in combination with white, so the winter colours are just perfect! If I have to choose another colour, most of the time, it will be red.
I'm also very fond of Tricia Guild's colours to many peoples surprise. They mostly connect me with pastel colours and even beige. But then they don't know me - I'm definitely more colourful than that on the inside! I love Tricia Guild's materials for home decorating.

I'm a tea lover. Why don't you have a cup?!

Old fashioned Swedish home cooking - kålpudding, kroppkakor
OH, and I love donuts! Lucky you Americans. All those different ones!!!
I'm a tea lover and have a favourite that's called "Winter fairytale".

But most of all I'm an ice-cream freak! I love all flavours, colours, shapes and lots of it...I wish...but ironically I'm allergic to milk so I can't have as much as I'd like -SIGH!

If you prefer coffee... help yourself to a cup - But be careful! It's Swedish, so it's strong!

Welcome to my page!

My name is Margareta and my family name starts with a G so that's why I call myself margaretag here on the Hill.

Many years ago when I was still working I always used to introduce myself starting: I am a teacher.
But after I had a burn out – because of all the common reasons, but mainly because of a severe tinnitus – I was forced to start looking at life and myself differently. So I’ll try to tell you about me. Not from what I do but who I am.

First: I am a very private person so had this been a Swedish site I would probably not have done this! But here, my friends, we go:

I am a widow since Aug. 2015 and a mother of two “children”. My husband and I married in 1972. Our son, Olov, was born 1975 and our daughter, Eva, in 1978. Olov has four children and Eva has three children so I'm a happy granny of seven. Andreas, 20 years old, Isabelle, 16 years and Sune 9 and Isak 4 years are my son’s children. Erik, 15 Amanda, 13 and Signe, 9 years are my daughter’s children. It goes without saying that they are the pride and joy of their grandparents. I love all of them and enjoy it enormously when we have the opportunity to sit by the piano singing together, and they seem to love it, too.

Other than that I can tell you that I am a positive person and an optimist. Or maybe a realistic optimist, or an optimistic realist…

Anyway – after my burn out I started learning about and practising mental training - or mind training I think might be a better word - which is a fantastic way for anyone to overcome most obstacles in life. If you haven’t tried it I really wish you would!

I am also very interested in people and the way to get to know people is to speak their language and I have always wanted to learn lots of languages. I’ve loved English since the very first English lesson at school and it obviously is my favourite. I like Spanish, too, but that I’ve learned as an adult so I’m not as good at it. It is so fun to be able to talk to people in their own language and you get treated much better if you do.

Phew! For a private person this was quite a lot so I stop here and hope to get to know you people in different groups, messages and so on here on the Hill

I love my family and true friends.
I love the unspoiled nature, fresh air and the wild, untamed rivers of the northern part of our country. But I also love to travel to other places and wish I could come and visit all of you.
Here a slideshow with pictures from our trip to Croatia. If you move the cursor over the pics it functions as a magnifier:

Music has always been my number one interest but I love painting too and especially water colours! The only problem is that I have such high expectations of the outcome that when I sit with a white piece of paper about to start I almost panic. The only time I've felt completely relaxed and at ease was when I started on a painting that I knew I'd use to decorate my bathroom. Because I knew that it was "only" for a bathroom it didn't matter.

Something I've learned here on the Hill is psping and now I love making greeting tags, facebook images and even layouts for this place. But we're lucky to be able to borrow already finished layouts here when time or inspiration is lacking:


I don't like arrogant, condescending people.

I hate to rush!

Playing the recorder, clarinet and piano, singing in a choir, psping, going to the gym, painting, sewing and scrapping are some of my hobbies. Yes, I'm a time optimist!!!

Displaying 4 out of 3519 comments
06/05/2024 09:45:15

Got the air conditioner going this morning.

No description available.

06/05/2024 04:01:32

Good morning. 63* outside but almost 80* inside. I have nothing mandatory this morning. I shall go for the walk in about 70 minutes of this keystroke. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of 1 person

There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your mind.

May be an image of 1 person

06/04/2024 03:22:22

Greetings. Getting ready for the walk this morning. Waiting for daylight in about two hours of this keystroke. I am now officially out of bananas as of this digestion. Maybe I will be smarter than usual and take my wallet, the auxiliary one, along with me on the walk to kill two birds with one rock.  Church is a game time decision this morning. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an image of 5 people

06/03/2024 04:28:53

Good morning. The start of the week and at 6 this morning, expecting thunderstorms. I am determining how to proceed with my exercise this morning. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

May be an illustration

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