Female 73 years old Kelowna Canada
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1088
[ 32 ]
06/24/2016 22:57:04 |
Love Mystery, Suspence and most especially the ones with the tricky endings...
Too old and seasoned to be frightened of Horror flicks but do love the special effects these days.
EG: Indiana Jones... X-Files ... Star Trek ... Urban Legand ... etc
appreciate a great many different music... depends on the mood what I listen to... some Classical, some Pop, some Country of Country Rock.. Mostly the old Rock... 50's, 60's, 70's.... some of the 80's, 90's and into the latest century as well.. have a vast input from the grand babies on what is good music
Stephen King is first in line of course
James Patterson, Patricia Cornwall, Peter Straub
James Harriott, and several others
Don't have a Really Really favorite food... home made soup on chilly winter and fall evenings, cool fruit or tossed salads on hot and sticky days.. One thing I absolutely loved was Chilian Sea Bass .. but it was fished out and nearly extinct and no longer available... mankind at our best ... Comfort foods are the best.
Had a crazy and eventful youth, now I cherish the memories and prefer to live a more quiet life... have 4 children... 9 grand children ( range from 16 to 5 years )and can wait for the great grandchild for later... lol have a very busy household with multiple species of critters to tend and enjoy... no time to be lonely or feel sorry for myself when aches and pains try to take
A fresh spring morning.
Watching my grand children at play.
Communing with my own wild kingdon.
Sitting quietly on my porch swing looking over my 'little corner of Heaven' with my boys at my feet (K-9s)as the sun goes down.
Pretentious people.
Cruel and thoughtless individuals
Having different parts of my body wake up at different times..
Loud, smelly, congested places.
Wasting time on trivial nonsence.
Outdoor activities .
Photography... the more critters the better.
Getting all my ducks in a row for early retirement.