Male 78 years old Rockwall, Texas United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1011
[ 2 ]
Christian - other |
04/19/2014 08:29:33 |
shrimp, salmon patties, whataburger hamburgers
I used to be able to play by ear on a flute some Beethoven and Tchaikovsky music, Jethro Tull and other various artists before I got multiple sclerosis. Once I freaked my mom out by making chlorine and hydrogen gas. She asked me, "What's that green stuff?" I nonchalantly answered, "Chlorine gas." She said, "That stuff's poisonous." I answered, "Ah, mom, it's only a little bit. I even stuck my nose in it. The other one is hydrogen gas and it's explosive (aka, the hindenburg disaster). But, then again, it's only a little bit." Finally, years ago before there were rechargeable batteries, I figured out how to recharge my 9 volt batteries for my transistor radio. It never occurred to me that I could have charged my friends and acquaintances for rechargeing their radio batteries. Guess I never was an enterpreneur sort of kid. Hope I spelled that right. LOL.
science, 60's & 70's music, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, some other classical music
computers, science, astronomy, telescopes, playing a flute before multiple sclerosis found me
philipreeves46 has 5 friend(s)