Female 83 years old Cibolo, Texas United States
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Profile Views: 1050
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07/08/2023 14:05:36 |
The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Hearts of Alantis (just saw that today), Gone with the Wind, The Thorn Birds
James Blunt, Elvis, All of the 50's pop music, Josh Grohman, Andrea Bocelli
Mysteries, Cookbooks, Quilting Books and Cross Stitch books
Hard to say...I watch the HGTV, so I change my mind according to how well the designers do...
Mexican, Asian, Steak and just about everything. No wonder I am so fluffy.
My husband and I are enjoying our retirement life. We go to Vegas at least once a year. We lived there from August 1991 to November 2003....and loved it. We have 6 children, 12 grandchildren and just enjoying life right now.
We like to eat out, go to movies and have the grandchildren over.
Judgmental, impatient people.
I like to cross stitch and would love to crochet dishrags. I bought lots of yarn, crochet hooks and booklets on crochet. I thought I could do success. I have to laugh at myself. I have quilted one 36 inch square hanging quilt, so I consider myself a quilter...wannabe..I read books and magazines on it.