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Viewing 1306 - 1310 out of 1340 Blogs.
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The worth of $20 today
Posted On 03/09/2013 03:24:11 by salfordian2
What on average $20 can buy today   1-Two Packets of 20 cigarettes 2-Two six pack of beer. minus three bottles 3- Six loaves of bread 4- 2/5  of a ticket for a game of hockey 5- Ditto for football/soccer or baseball 6- Two weeks of daily newspapers 7- Five or six weekly magazines ( cheap ones) 8-one kilo of salmon steaks 9-Ditto for lamb chops Last but not least 10- $20 will buy you a lifetime membership to the best social site on the internet where it’s possibl... Read More

Posted On 03/08/2013 21:24:23 by emom101


Grab some coffee or sumfin and get comfy by the elec fire logs. I'm tellin' ya'all that it's been another crazy day! What, crazy here on the mountain where peace and quiet don't reign at all!?! lolol

Let's see here... I made it out to the mail box... ankle deep in thawing grass and mud! That stuff is slick. Well, me and Houdi made it out there and back. Got this weeks newspaper,... Read More

The Angels Come to Visit Us
Posted On 03/07/2013 21:23:53 by Thundercloud
“The golden moments in the stream of live rush past us, and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone” ~ George EliotToday I did something I try very hard never to do – I glanced over my shoulder and looked at the road behind me. I don’t like to do this because when what’s behind me is better that what’s ahead of me, it only makes me feel worse. I suppose we all get to a point in our lives when that’s true; the road ahead becomes... Read More

Posted On 03/07/2013 19:32:23 by emom101

Oh dear, here I go again! lolol Still stuck inside the house even tho the snow is mostly gone. Wonder what's in the mail box... ? lolol

Well, the county had a power outage during the snow storm but not this road! The wind caught the storm door out back and almost yanked me out and over the porch! The critters refused to go out... the snow/rain mix was blowing sideways! Was really cold out too... 28 deg but have no idea wh... Read More

Gone but not forgotten
Posted On 03/06/2013 17:40:43 by azjudy
  A week ago we were awaken at 3:00 am and told that Mom wasn’t expected to live much longer. Paul and I rushed up to the nursing home. We stayed five hours. During that time Mom woke up once and tried to say something. I’ve always had a spiritual or mental connection to Mom so I felt she was trying to tell us to leave. A week before that she had been alert enough to say she loved us and said Good-bye. We all left around 8:00 am. but planned to go back later that afternoon. At 10:00 a.... Read More

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