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Viewing 51 - 55 out of 97 Blogs.
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Bargain Hunting is a hobby!
Posted On 06/23/2018 23:11:59 by yourchoice
If you have visited me on my profile page, you will have learned that hubby and I enjoy Garage Sales (often called Boot Sales in England), and any other place that offers a bargain. This month there has been a myriad of Community Garage Sales in our town, as well as in the city. We love to chat with people, love to discover something that we didn’t know we needed, and items that are just too cheap for us NOT to buy them. In one of the new districts in the town where we shop, there were over 50... Read More

Z - Zeros, Zoos, and Zucchini
Posted On 03/26/2018 08:48:51 by yourchoice
It has been quite the start to the year os 2018. Conflict, disasters, social issues, and slumping economy have grabbed our attention. But I am not going to delve in any of those topics. There are better things to talk about.>There has been a lot of talk in our area about Zeros… at least in the weather. There has been so much snow, that the city doesn’t know what to do with it. Transportation has been difficult at times, but most days, workers did manage to get to their jobs. What about th... Read More

M - Mona's Making Music
Posted On 09/23/2017 18:26:19 by yourchoice
My apologies for writing a blog so soon after the last one, but something happened at our place yesterday, and it is perfect for my next “M” blog. First a short preamble to my story.When hubby and I were travelling to the city a couple of weeks ago, he asked me an unusual question. He asked if I ever miss playing the piano, and wished we had another one. I said I didn’t think about it very often, and I had taken up with another keyboard it was a rare opportunity for me to play a piano now.... Read More

B – They’re Back… Bales, Buffalo, and Barley
Posted On 07/28/2017 00:41:39 by yourchoice
I made my weekly trip to the town closest to us, to deliver a pile of clothes that are much too large for me now, since I changed my eating habits, to the “slightly used” clothing store in town. I also bought groceries because we anticipate some guests later this week. I enjoy the 25 minute drive on the off-freeway road, to view the mountains in the distance, the farmland, and the activity at the small aircraft airport. On this trip, I suddenly realized that I was enjoying material for my ne... Read More

Q - Quick Questions About Quebec
Posted On 02/02/2017 22:46:07 by yourchoice
This may be a surprising topic, and I promise it won't be of a political nature. By the way, it's not easy to think of a topic that starts with ‘q’, as I endeavor to work my way through this A to Z Blog Challenge. Here come the questions… What is a Quebecer? A bi-lingual person living in Quebec, the largest province in Canada, Is it true that they only speak French in Quebec? No; French is their official language, but it is bilingual. Do I speak French? No; when... Read More

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