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Tag: christmas

Viewing 6 - 10 out of 18 Blogs.
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The Flight of The Cherubs
Posted On 01/31/2020 01:47:35 by texasjane
"Quick, quick, get in the house. Got your camera handy? You gotta see what Bridget is doing now." My aunt ushered us all into the house. My mother handed her camera to her sister. Thanksgiving day had officially begun.My sister and I headed down the hall to find our cousin, Tina. We were all adopted and looked like sisters. Tina was one year younger than me and one year older than my sister. We looked like stair steps when we lined up. I was always the one on the end. Tina was always the one in... Read More

My Christmas 'To Do' List!
Posted On 12/10/2019 23:34:32 by yourchoice

My 'To Do' list is getting shorter these days... and writing a short blog will take another item off the list. I have been dropping by NOTH to see what's happening, visiting pages to admire christmas decorations, and reminding myself that I need to change my page... enough with the "Winter" theme! Because I was a bit short on ideas for my page, I decided to share photos from of our christmas decorations. We do tend to be somewhat "non-traditional" (not a Santa or an Elf to be found), b... Read More

A Brown Christmas Near The Mountains
Posted On 01/10/2019 00:43:55 by yourchoice
I’ve been a bit absent again, but we’ve made it through a wonderful family Christmas, in spite of a few health challenges and “enjoying” a rare brown Christmas. What’s with us these days? If we have snow, there's a lot of whining about the cold days, the slippery roads, and the bulky coats we have to wear. When the weather is warm, and the snow melts, we are disappointed because the christmas season doesn’t look like our christmas cards… and it’s just not right! The real problem... Read More

T - Tinsel, Toys, and Turkey
Posted On 12/10/2017 22:08:32 by yourchoice
I gave myself a bit of a break from writing stories. I keep hoping that others will join our fun and submit some of their stories. In the meantime, I still have a few letters to complete this round of the Alphabet Challenge, so I'm at it again!I’m sure you will have guessed that this blog has to do with Christmas. Well, part of it is but it is a story about our family, mixed together with some my childhood memories. Growing up on a farm, we made ‘do’ with a lot of things that we now t... Read More

P - People, Presents and a Potluck Party
Posted On 01/09/2017 05:26:50 by yourchoice
Christmas has come and gone, and hopefully all of you have a fresh stash of pleasant memories. Hopefully, there will be more time for “computer fun” now. I am continuing on my personal A-Z Blog Challenge with this episode.We all have our particular traditions of celebration, and 2016 christmas took on a new form for us. Our celebrations continued for more than two weeks, and we enjoyed every minute of it, starting with the arrival of two families, relatives of my husband, from northern Engla... Read More

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