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Tag: christmas

Viewing 16 - 18 out of 18 Blogs.
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Christmas Family Game
Posted On 12/19/2014 04:33:14 by yourchoice
We have been preparing for our christmas Family Game, and this year we will be enjoying a crowd of friends and family. There will be 18 people at our son's home for the christmas Eve Sleep-Over (that's a lot of sleeping bags and foamies)! Grandparents will be sleeping at our house ... the quiet retreat! Our son lives three miles from us, and we will join the crowd for Brunch.  We usually play this game on christmas Eve, and I thought I would share it with my NOTH friends. There will be 21 p... Read More

Pictures for my Christmas Blog
Posted On 12/12/2013 22:40:28 by oppsgal
 Higbee's Cleveland christmas Shopping  Christmas tree Higbee's  toy soilders on either side of entrance to Santa  Higbee's Silver Grille Resturant  Terminial tower christmas... Read More

A Teddy Bear Toss
Posted On 12/04/2013 21:21:19 by yourchoice
December has become the month of gift-giving in many of our communities, even for those who choose not to celebrate Christmas. Parties for children, visits to hospitals and other facilities, and food and gift drives for needy families. I thought I would share one such activity that has become a tradition in our city ... combining hockey and teddy bears. The teddy bears are shared with a number of charities who help distribute them, and the junior hockey players are busy this week, personally... Read More

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