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Tag: family

Viewing 21 - 25 out of 34 Blogs.
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J - Johnston Canyon
Posted On 08/28/2015 01:04:43 by yourchoice
In my growing up years, a trip to Banff National Park was a special treat, often including members of my mother’s family. She grew up in a large family, on a farm in central Alberta where there was always a lot of work to do. There were times, between the spring seeding season and the autumn harvesting season, that a trip to the mountains was possible. I don’t remember that anyone had a trailer, but those who could stay overnight were snug in their tent, or in a cozy cabin. Of course, there... Read More

Welcome 2015 ... and I'm back!
Posted On 01/03/2015 23:22:34 by yourchoice
Welcome to 2015! It seemed to have appeared when I was catching some much needed sleep. We had a marvelous International Christmas, with guests from Iowa and Washington states, and Yorkshire, England. Our home was the "quiet retreat" for the grandparents, but the days were filled with adventure. Two day trips were taken to the mountains. Fifteen of us traveled in two vans to Lake Louise so the grandkids could skate on the lake, and tour the Chateau. On the way, we stopped at the Ridge... Read More

Unplanned Christmas Adventure
Posted On 12/27/2014 10:35:53 by yourchoice
I'm sure that most of us have a memory of some unusual, unplanned, unexpected, unforgettable event during the Christmas season; creating a number of responses. I would love to hear your story. Here's our story...On Christmas Eve, our daughter and family were coming from their island home off the coast of Seattle, Washington to celebrate Christmas with her Canadian family; a rare experience for all of us. At the airport, our son-in-law was told that the documentation that he uses when crossing th... Read More

Christmas Family Game
Posted On 12/19/2014 04:33:14 by yourchoice
We have been preparing for our Christmas family Game, and this year we will be enjoying a crowd of friends and family. There will be 18 people at our son's home for the Christmas Eve Sleep-Over (that's a lot of sleeping bags and foamies)! Grandparents will be sleeping at our house ... the quiet retreat! Our son lives three miles from us, and we will join the crowd for Brunch.  We usually play this game on Christmas Eve, and I thought I would share it with my NOTH friends. There will be 21 p... Read More

A note from an only child...
Posted On 12/07/2014 00:34:05 by yourchoice
I never liked being an only child! It was lonely, living on a farm. Our closest neighbors were about three miles from us, a mother and her four sons. Those boys were no fun; all of them were much older than me. I would beg for a brother or sister, promising that I would never fight with them, not realizing how how naive that was!My constant companion, when I was able to be outside, was my dog Spot. He was kind of a “common variety” black and white dog, large enough for me to ride around the... Read More

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