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Tag: family

Viewing 11 - 15 out of 34 Blogs.
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The Adventures of An Only Child
Posted On 12/01/2018 18:20:35 by yourchoice
Being an only child living on a farm was an education in itself. I was deeply loved and well cared for by my parents, but I was lonely. There were times when I was called a ‘spoiled princess’ that never sounded like a compliment to me, or a ‘spoiled brat’, depending on the circumstances. I longed to have a brother or sister to play with. Our closest neighbors were two miles away, and their four boys were all older than me. My dad was a fun guy and took the time to be with me whenever pos... Read More

It's All About The Stampede
Posted On 07/06/2018 21:45:01 by yourchoice
Today is the start of the 106th annual Calgary Exhibition and Stampede. It is now a 10-day event, starting with a huge parade. My parents would take me downtown to watch the parade, and a visit to the Exhibition. In elementary school, my teacher emphasized handwriting and would select some of our examples to compete in the Exhibition. I remember the first time I went to an afternoon Infield Rodeo event with my Dad. He knew a lot about the life of a cowboy because he had been a cattle driver befo... Read More

N - Napping is Nearly Normal
Posted On 10/10/2017 21:42:43 by yourchoice
I’ve given myself a bit of a rest from “talking” on the computer. So many things have been “happening” at our home, that when the end of the day is in sight, we catch ourselves napping in front of the TV or my computer. By late evening, after several short naps, I’m ready for a bit of computer time, to answer emails and send a few text messages across the ocean before heading for bed. That’s when I wish that I didn’t take so many naps during the day. It was a beautiful autumn day... Read More

T - Tractors, Trucks, and Tools
Posted On 03/02/2017 19:00:57 by yourchoice
I have heard so many stories about  tractors and family traditions from my husband, and some of his friends gathered around our kitchen table on a coffee break. Even though I grew up on a farm, I have little to contribute to those conversations. I do remember the strange John Deere tractor, with the front wheels close together, that my father purchased the year before he decided that he had “enough” of mixed farming, and we moved to the city. He had been a cattle driver in the Cypress H... Read More

P - People, Presents and a Potluck Party
Posted On 01/09/2017 05:26:50 by yourchoice
Christmas has come and gone, and hopefully all of you have a fresh stash of pleasant memories. Hopefully, there will be more time for “computer fun” now. I am continuing on my personal A-Z Blog Challenge with this episode.We all have our particular traditions of celebration, and 2016 Christmas took on a new form for us. Our celebrations continued for more than two weeks, and we enjoyed every minute of it, starting with the arrival of two families, relatives of my husband, from northern Engla... Read More

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