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Posted On 02/09/2022 07:48:51
The United States Postal Service has announced it will be issuing a Forever credit card. Similar to the USPS Forever stamps. these credit cards can never expire. These credit cards which will be called Liberty Credit Cards will be available starting April 1st before the tax filing deadline. They are intended to be used by anyone 18 years of age or older with proof of USA citizenship or a green card or a letter from an authorized notary saying the person intends to become a citizen one of these days.
There is no limit to how much a person can charge with his or her Liberty Credit Card. There will never be any late fees because the time to repay the charge is left up to its user. If they say they will pay the charge when they get around to it, that is fine. They can have unlimited charges forever. That is why it is a Forever credit card. DUH..!!! The USPS is proud of its history and proud to be the first to issue a credit card with no worries . People have enough to worry about as it is.

Posted On 02/09/2022 06:50:49

Ketchup, Catsup.....However you want to say it or spell it, it may soon be gone... Court battles are raging now to see if this condiment gets removed permanently from your grocery and department store shelves and restaurant tables.  WHY?    It's because the manufacturers are tired  of seeing their product used on the wrong foods.   Hot dogs, spaghetti, pizza, fish, even chicken has been the recipient of this beloved condiment. 

The Food and Drug Administration, The Federal Dept. of Agriculture, and companies like Heinz, Hunts , and Del Monte have had it with the gross misuse of ketchup.  So now it may come down to the Supreme Court to ban ketchup forever .  

What does one do who feels they need ketchup? How about trying some BBQ sauce or vinegar on your French Fries?   Ok. So you don't want to put mustard on your hamburger?   Try some  grape jelly  or just butter or even peanut butter.  

The time has come the walrus said , so be prepared. Don't try stocking up on ketchup either. If it gets banned, the government has specially trained ketchup sniffing dogs that will track down every last bottle and packet and you'll receive a stiff fine and likely imprisonment. 

"Give me your tired, your poor" some mayonnaise companies  are saying anticipating the massive boom in production once ketchup is just a memory. 

Posted On 12/03/2021 08:35:47
A friend of our family needed help in getting some furniture and other items moved and rented a U-Haul which we helped attach to the back of her car. Despite her being very nervous, all "went off without a hitch".

Posted On 05/15/2021 10:11:57

Speeding tickets? Ever get one? Nobody wants to get caught speeding. People speed all the time, sometimes at very excessive dangerous speeds. But rarely do we here about those violators that do it indoors. I'm talking about in the supermarkets. While working or shopping in supermarkets I have seen people speeding and get summonses by the supermarket police. AND...they deserve them. I'm talking about people driving those motorized special need carts. Sure, I feel sorry their mobility is impaired ,often impossible to shop without them BUT does that give them the right to speed up and down the aisles.?
These are not Go-Karts. It's not the Indy or Daytona 500 race. I'm glad the supermarket cops in the stores I work in are enforcing the law here. Shoppers should not have to shop in fear or put their lives in jeopardy when these careless and thoughtless people zoom around the aisles . Being handicapped in some way is no excuse. They must obey the laws like everybody else.
From what I've been told by supermarket policemen or policewomen, the first speeding offense is $50 which should prove to be a a deterrent. . Second time caught speeding is $200 fine plus barred from that store for a full year and getting their special need cart licensed suspended for 18 months. If this doesn't stop these maniacs , 6 months in the supermarket prison in some clandestine location is what awaits them where there only meals will consist of frozen food meat and vegetable alternatives.
Knocking over displays and endcaps around the store is one thing but when the reckless driving puts us all in danger , there is no choice except for harsh punitive measures. I applaud those brave supermarket police who put their lives and donuts on the line for shoppers like you and me every day.

Posted On 02/28/2021 10:36:25
As a student of all the sciences, I decided to examine this proverbial expression to see if it was indeed a fact or fiction. Is this statement saying that a watched pot never boils just a myth.? I needed to further examine this postulate or theorem using the scientific method I had learned in my years of taking courses in the fields of science.
I believe you just can't accept something because somebody says so, ............so I set out a course of action well thought out and planned to once and for all know the answer to this question that has intrigued mankind throughout the millennia.
I placed a pot of water on the stove, sat at a nearby table and watched and stared and waited and waited ..waiting for even a faint whisper of steam or something to confirm this idea which has dumbfounded chefs for centuries...Is it true that a watched pot never boils. ?
Nothing was happening. As I continued my indefatigable gazing at the pot, my wife came into the kitchen about 90 minutes into my scientific investigation. She said to me, "Whatever you're cooking might cook faster if you turned on the stove, "

Posted On 01/24/2021 12:41:20
Here's my story, sad but true
about some ice cream I once knew
It made my taste buds long for more
Now I can't find it in the store,
Turkey Hill and Jack and Jill are mighty fine
and Haagendazs Espresso Chip I can call mine
For Polar Bear and Klondke I would cry
But what I really miss today is Eskimo Pie.
Howard Johnson, Louis Sherry were okay
Carvel Ice Cream Cakes I hope are here to stay
Ben & Jerry I implore don't leave the scene
Or Baskin Robbins, Steve's and Dairy Queen
Frusen Gladge and Schrafts are blasts from my past
Nestles, Bassets, Cold Stone, and Edy's I doubt will last
and though Blue Bunny and Blue Bell won't say goodbye
I still could die for an Eskimo Pie .

Posted On 12/19/2020 10:07:54
I’ll cash in a few empty cans and bottles in those redemption machines at local supermarkets. But I never carry over bags filled 6 feet high or shopping carts filled with broken, dented, filthy, smelly glass and plastic bottles and cans. Working as a merchandiser in local supermarkets, I see some people, usually the same people, redeeming these items every day. I’ve read they are supposed to be limited to 240 cans or bottles per day but they well exceed that limit, which the stores don’t enforce.
I realize it’s a way of life for some people I see going through public and private garbage cans fishing for every nickel item they can find. Aside from the fact some people stuff odd brands and crushed items into the machines, often breaking or jamming them, what I find sickening and disgusting is to see people putting their mouths on a deflated bottle that they just fished out of a garbage can and trying to blow it up so they can redeem it.
The beer, soda and juice liquids left in shopping carts and in the machines is bad enough, but while I can feel sorry that people apparently need this redemption money to survive, I find many get hostile and won’t stop stuffing the machines for a few seconds to allow me to cash in a handful of items. There’s got to be a better way.

Posted On 12/02/2020 11:01:05
What's the difference between the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree and turning to a different channel to watch another movie on TV?
One is a flick of a switch. The other is a switch of a flick. !!!!

Posted On 11/25/2020 08:46:37
The day of Thanksgiving
was finally here
but Johnny's grandmother
had a pain in her rear.
She couldn't even open
her recipe book
or prepare any meal
she had wanted to cook.
The pain from her hemorrhoids
was just so severe
she muffled her cries
so Johnny couldn't hear.
Her Motrin did nothing
and the cremes she applied
did little to quell
her deep pain inside.
Her plans for the turkey
little Johnny would eat
was like a rock in the freezer
she dare not reheat.
And then little Johnny
had a wonderful thought
He defrosted a drumstick
his grandmother had bought.
"I think you'l feel better".
he said to his granny
"If you shove this huge drumstick
way up in your fanny".
And just moments later,
came an encouraging word
"My ass feels much better"
is what little Johnny heard.
Then seeing the smile
from his grandma's relief
he opened the frig
and took out a corned beef.

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