When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
Now that your eyes are open, make the sun jealous with your burning passion to start the day. Make the sun jealous with your happiness ,joy and loveof the day to share with others
hola,siento no poder conectar tube una cirujia,y al poco a mi mama, le salio dos tumores, cancerosos,y tanbien la operaron,se me junto muchas cosas. y deje internet por motivos,estoy casi cada momento,en el hospistal.siento, mi ausencia,no me olvido,de mis amigos,siempre con cariño,maria,cuidese,
Hello, I'm sorry I can't connect, I had a surgery, and soon my mom got two tumors, cancerous, and they also operated on her, I got a lot of things together. and I left the internet for reasons, I am almost every moment, in the hospital. I feel, my absence, I do not forget, my friends, always with love, Maria, take care,
I have had the best morning reading all your posts. Makes me smile and warms my heart. Praying for those who are getting high winds and tons of snow. Seems like even with the sun shining most of us are very cold.
I really don't know how you live in weather like that and how all the animals and birds survive. I love that my girls sit in the chair with me to keep me warm.
Now it is time for me to get busy around this house. OK, I need to do my nails too. But after next week I sure hope you have more time to get this house straightened up. Dust bunnies are running rampid around here. There might be an abundance of dog hairs too.
I thought most of us could appreciate this. We have been below freezing at night but are blessed not to have had any snow or snow that stayed.
Hubby is doing OK. He is at the 72 hour mark which means things should start to get better. Pills, cold therapy and keeping his foot elevated are helping lots. This is my last day to nurse him as I go back to work Tuesday through Friday. I will take him to the doctor on the 20th and then go to work.
I know the end of January until mid February is our worst winter weather, but I am still counting the days until Spring...
I have been running in circles lately and need three of me to keep up! My work is so much fun and in about another month, mid February, I should be back to part time.
Last weekend I did finally get new nails put on for the "Happy New Year to everyone!" just in case I forgot to tell you. We ate our black eyed peas so it should be a great year.
Yesterday was my day off. So after we both got a shower we were out the door. Rbt is having surgery next Friday, 14th, on his right toes to remove hardware from last surgery and straighten them AGAIN. So I dropped him off at his doctor's office to have pre-surgery blood work done while I went across the street to get a passport renewal picture taken.
Then we headed to the post office to get my renewal notice mailed. After that Rbt had to have a chest x-ray done before they closed at 4 pm. We hadn't eaten all day so we stopped at Cotton Patch for some comfort food. Best food and best Waiter we have had in a very long time.
So I am here trying to play catch up on each of you and your life the past couple of weeks. Thank you for all the messages and just for being such a faithful friend. I hope you will say a prayer for Rbt next Friday afternoon. It is only an hour long surgery and he will come home with a boot. But since I don't wear a mask, I will wait in the car for them to text me to pick him up. And we both will need prayers.
I hope to be back and check on you sometime this week. So until then...