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10/31/2021 10:28:44

10/27/2021 13:34:39

Hello, how about I barely, I can answer, my joints are not

well I have my hand, bandaged, with a wrist strap, 

with a lot of pain, and I can hardly write, I'm sorry, I 

miss my friends, kisses, Maria ,take care

10/27/2021 10:51:57

10/24/2021 18:35:55


Happy Week and if you celebrate Halloween, good preparations for the big event.

I only celebrate on the Internet. It's pretty fun. Hugs.

10/21/2021 23:50:41

Happy Friday my friend ❤

10/18/2021 23:06:06

10/17/2021 13:11:13

Hello, friend, I'm sorry, I can't connect, a lot, I'm on the basis of 


I leave you my best wishes, for it is Sunday,

and a good start, of the week, happy, take care of yourself. 


10/15/2021 23:44:47

==Stopping by to say HI

and Wish you a Wonderful

Weekend!!==  Jade

10/14/2021 08:56:20

good-morning, been really busy the last few days. taking advantage of nice days to get all of my outside stuff done before it gets cold out. hope all is well with you and you are enjoying this fall season..marykay

10/12/2021 13:40:26

Hello, friend, how are you doing, I hope your day was nice,

next month at the end, they operate on me, I will treat these

days, conestar, my pains, they are getting worse, and I have it,

complicated, happy, Wednesday, take care -------------

hola,amigo, como vas espero que tu dia,fue lindo,el mes

que viene al final,me operan,tratare en estos dias,

 conestar,mis dolores,van a peor,y lo tengo,complicado,


10/09/2021 10:49:09

09/29/2021 09:50:51

09/28/2021 23:57:00

09/25/2021 10:28:44


Kisses are the best way to wake up.  Woo Hoo!  We made it to the weekend.  College Football day is my favorite day.  


I sure hope you are getting out and having fun this weekend.  Our temperatures may reach 90° again today, but it is so wonderful early in the mornings to be in the upper 50's.  


Hubby is outside washing the Orange Tahoe.  I think I will take the dogs for a walk.  Now, if you believe that about me, I do have some Ocean Front property in Arizona for you.  


Thanks for spending a few minutes with me today.  Don't forget to share that beautiful smile of yours with everyone you see.  


09/20/2021 14:19:01


Amazing how Monday just shows up on a regular basis.  I have successfully ignored the morning.  Well, I have made some calls and paid some bills and looked at several websites (shopping, Not shopping) and now it is afternoon.  


Hubby got the front watered this morning.  We were about 100° yesterday and will be again today... but tomorrow our high will be 82° with lows in the mid 50's.  Yippee Yahoo.  


Even though we have almost no chance of rain, we will keep watering and say, "Thank You Lord for the blessings of cooler temperatures."  I know the hummingbirds are migrating through South Texas.  My friends there sent videos of 10 or more hummers at their feeder at one time.  It was so hot here that I just took a video of my hummingbird sitting near and protecting the feeders.  


So guess I had better go find something for lunch.  Something else that is amazing is how often my tummy growls to indicate that it is time to eat again... every day.  


09/19/2021 22:21:56

Hope you have a great new week.
Big hugs, Jackie

09/14/2021 10:29:57

Wishing you a good morning, and a
happy Tuesday, pals:) *WooF*

09/13/2021 11:11:38

Hello, if on Mondays, you are sleepy, accompany him, have a good 

coffee, and you will see, how you will have more energy, 

Happy start of the week, enjoy your day, with many joys, 

take care of yourself, kisses,maria------------

09/05/2021 08:31:38

Wonderful new week!  Hugs

Happy Labor Day - Sanibel Vacations

09/04/2021 10:58:23


Bella is visiting for a week and Carly is so excited.  They ran and ran and ran in the big backyard for over 30 minutes and were exhausted yesterday.  This morning they played some inside and then Bennett came over and Bella would fetch every toy he would throw and bring it back to him.  


And yes, she can jump the baby gate!  She is very smart and knows to sit and lay and understands most things we say to her.  We are still learning each other's routines.  


Bella is a good dog with kids and other dogs.  She is also very good on a leash.  I worked on Friday, so we are now ready for some Football... love College football.  We are also waiting on cooler weather and maybe a chance at a shower.  However, we have already watered the front and the back this morning.  


It is a long weekend for lots so enjoy that extra day of doing nothing on LABOR DAY.  


09/02/2021 18:21:07

Hope all is well :)

08/30/2021 21:21:44

08/30/2021 02:39:03

Hello my dear friend, I hope the new week is good for you. Happy Monday! Kisses 

08/27/2021 11:57:25

08/26/2021 18:37:00

I just wanted to say Hi.

08/23/2021 11:26:43

Hello dear friend I hope you have a wonderful week ...

Hugs, KJ

08/23/2021 02:49:41

Hello my sweet friend, I hope you have a nice week ... Happy Monday! Kisses 

08/17/2021 07:43:42

Good morning my friend, have a fantastic Tuesday ... I send you kisses

08/15/2021 15:57:34


Hello friends!  We watched all of our online church services and now we are watching some of the little league baseball playoffs.  We ended up with 1.3" of rain from yesterday.  Just perfect!  One extra loud clap of thunder rattled the windows and scared Hubby and the dogs (they were all taking a nap).  


Monday, tomorrow, I go for my 4 month checkup since I had the cyst removed from in front of my right ear.  I will let you know how it goes.  I still can't believe that after my surgery visit he said, "See you in 4 months."  


It is time for our luncheon meal of the day.  Today is Ribeye steak and french fries in coconut oil in the deep fryer with probably fresh spinach steamed.  Come on over, but you better hurry because there won't be much left very soon!  


08/15/2021 11:01:56

hello, may your sunday be fun, and blessed,

Enjoy, your day, your way, in Spain, we are also, with

heat waves, agoviantes, take care, a lot 


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