Do you remember the before gate project? The boards were rotting and splitting and so Hubby put on new boards bolted to the metal frame and all new pickets.
Didn't he do a beautiful job!?! The dogs can't get under but they can see us when we are working on the other side. AND I got one of my projects done! The bathing area for birds and hummingbirds. Now all I have to do is wait for them to find it.
So it has been a really good week. And here comes Sunday Blessings & Hugs to you!
I've already been in the computer room for over 2 hours. Where does time go? What have I gotten done? OK, three of the four dogs did sneak out of the yard as Hubby is working on rebuilding a gate with new fence pickets. Dogs are all back in and hole is secured for now we hope!
Here is the before picture. Now it may be a day or two before the project is complete and I can get an after picture. At least I have been seeing my hummingbirds lately. Yesterday evening I got a video of one around the Turk's Cap red flowers. Late evening I saw them at two of the feeders from inside the house. And earlier this morning I saw two of them challenging each other.
Enjoy today hopefully with nicer temperatures. I know our heat is coming back for the weekend and next week. But think, just another 3 months and fall will be upon us. Enjoy the summer season because winter isn't a favorite of many either.
Good Morning and may God's favor shine in your smile today and everyday! Sermons on TV watched and headed to watch more on the internet. What a glorious day the Lord has made! I love sharing scripture with my kids and grandkids. That is the legacy that I want to leave them.
So whatever your passion is, be sure you are sharing it with the world. Because you never know who is watching you and what you do every day. Or listening to what you say. Or reading your text. Look at it from a different perspective!
I hope you are smiling! Blessings and Hugs are coming your way. Thanks for being there for me and so many others in your life!
Greet every morning with open arms and say thanks every night with a full heart. Each day is a precious gift to be savored and used, not left unopened and hoarded for a future that may never come.” –
When I first open my eyes upon the morning meadows and look out upon the beautiful world, I thank God I am alive.Have a wonderful day
Good morning my dear friend, we have very hot days around here. wanting the weather to cool down, although it has only started the summer. Happy Friday! Kisses