Worked yesterday afternoon and ran errands this morning. I am starting Chicken and Dumplings now. Still don't know if we have company coming tomorrow or not.
Humidity was at 99% again early this morning. The ground is so saturated. So I think I will check the plants outside quickly and read my book while the laundry finishes. Smile! Someone is watching you!
Guess what... our gauge had 1" of rain this morning. I got three beautiful videos of lightning in the clouds about 9:15 pm. While texting one of my friends last night, I said storms are all around us but looks like everything will miss us completely. At 11:30 pm I was outside again and got pictures of the stars shining bright above the storm clouds building all around us.
Around 3 am a small cell (not above that was at 11:30 pm) built up right next to us and came right over us when the bottom fell out and gave us our 1" in a very short period.
I keep emptying the trays under the potted plants but even them and my poor rose bushes (very few leaves) and other plants are not happy about the amount of rain they are getting right now, especially with the lack of sunshine. The sun is out but lots of cloud cover is around too. It has been months since the ground has dried out completely.
I grew up with 500 acres and cattle and we never complain about the rain and I'm not now. Because before we know it, we will be in a drought and people will have to hunt for hay to buy for the cows. So, I'm heading out with a smile to share with you on this beautiful and blessed Sunday.
"Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail." ~
"love the life you live. live the life you love." ~
Hope your Wednesday has been a fun filled day. We woke up to sunshine today for the first time in many weeks. There are times when the sun comes out in between the rain and there are days nothing but clouds. But today has been a blessing especially since there is a chance of rain in the forecast for many days to come.
I love hearing from you and I'll see you tomorrow rain or shine. Now I'm off to get a few more things done today if I can find my sunglasses.
They fought for our freedom! Happy Memorial Day to all!
Yesterday my kids came for a visit! What a wonderful day we all had together.
Can you believe that Nicole is only about 16 months older than Michele? Tall, fat, short... in that order.
Michele is our animal whisperer. I have a video of her petting a wild bird, a dove. She loves her chickens and all animals.
They had a picnic outside. They eat salads, too healthy for me. And then they play or practice volleyball.
So now I'm heading to the patio to watch for hummingbirds before the rain gets here... again! Enjoy your Monday as we head into another new week and a new month!
Get out and get some Vitamin D and share that smile!