I had lunch with my Edward Jones girls for a birthday celebration for one of them. We always have such a fun time together. Then since I was out and about, I walked all over Kroger's grocery store, a short trip at Lowe's and up and down all the isles at Costco. Then I came into the computer room and got lost.
My friend that loves Fairies and has hundreds and more had sent an email about wired fairies.
It's almost college baseball time, so I will remind you to share your smile this weekend with everyone you meet. As always there are Blessings & Hugs coming your way! Love the new page and pictures of your babies. Do you have a link on your pages for all the pages that are available to download?
I hope all the ladybugs are high and dry today or at least high and not drowning. It is another beautiful Monday of rain.
Do you see the tree, crepe myrtle, on the left that we cut way back? It is coming out just like it is supposed to and beautifully. Now the tree on the right is way too low and sure needs to be trimmed up (oh joy!). My car can't even get under it. Yard work is never done.
So now I'm sending Blessings & Hugs to you and hoping you will share your smile with others today.
Hello, friend, it is only a saying you have, a great friendship, many years, which sometimes, we think, is true, and they disappoint us, without expecting it, because we have been deceived, I give you my friendship, in exchange for nothing, that your beginning of the week is positive, with love, from your friend, take care of yourself, and enjoy
Got most of the water poured out of the trays from under the plants. Why, you say. Today there is no sunshine; we are completely overcast. Just look at our forecast.
In only a few days all the trays will be full again. Root rot is harder on plants than hot weather and no water. What is a girl to do? Just get out of the way because I'm going to get back outside and have a
Sure hope you do too! Stop by again when you slow down and have time to visit.
So here we all are chowing down on salad and Chicken & Biscuit Dumplings. My girls love to cook and did an awesome job preparing it.
Look how big the chickens have gotten. And what great egg producers they are too. They are so curious. They kept trying to peck my phone in my hand.
My son will forever be 12 and never grow up. This was before lunch was ready. Of course, when we left they were heading out to go play volleyball against another family. They are always going somewhere and doing something.
After all, he is a good father, husband, son and son-in-law. Connie and I both got beautiful flowers from him.
And since my adopted family lives less that 10 miles from my kids, we got to go over there and visit for a while too. So proud of them too.
My grandson, William, won the headset he is wearing playing whatever it is he plays in #1 position and is working on winning $1000. He also teaches and mentors other new players.
Well, I hope you had a blessed Mother's Day and are having sun shining upon you (as we are in a heavy misty day awaiting rain tonight and all day tomorrow).