May you have a very pleasant wintery day today. We did get a bit of dusting of snow for over night and there is frost on the roof tops. My how I enjoy winter and all the snow flakes that fall from the sky. Stay warm and I will do the same in our area. Now where did I put that snow shovel. hahah Smiles Gloria
Snowflakes are kisses from heaven. ~Author unknown
What a nice Friday day with snow on the ground which is putting a twinkle in my eyes and a smile on my face.
Just put together a nice soup mixture in the instant pot and my can't wait to have some of those oyster crackers mixed into the soup.
Just had to make up some gingerbread spice flavored coffee to make my day even more special. May you have a glorious day sharing your smiles and your giggles. Smiles Gloria
Let it snow, Let it snow! Such a treat this morning seeing some snow on the ground. Puts a smile on my face. Look what came to the feeder also this morning, giving me such joy.
The rest of the story though is that it has been raining and snowing so it is very slippery outside today. A good day to make up some home made soup and stay in doors. My goodness one must have those cute oyster crackers to go along with the soup. Gee I sure know how to spoil myself. hahaha . May you have a lovely day enjoying your moments and I will do the same here in this neck of the woods.