Hello, just making my weekend rounds. Well February is upon us already. Where on earth does the time go?? Before we know it Spring will be here, which is a good thing as far as I am concerned. Not much of a cold weather person. At least the weather here in Oregon hasn't been too bad so far, just a little warmer than normal. (yay).. Though that could change rather quickly. Anyway, I do hope all is well and you have a nice relaxing weekend.. hugs, debijo
Well hello February ! Starting off here a beautiful warm day so going to cook out today or tomorrow. The wife is serious about retiring at the end of this school semester & doing volunteer work or a school lunch monitor to have something to do. Been trying to get her to do it for awhile and take it easy. Have a good weekend and start to a new month.......George
Stopping by to wish you a happy weekend & new week. Nice temps here & so far we really haven't had a winter to speak of just a few cold days. Was so glad to see the rains for Australia. Have some friends there who had the fires get close to them but had no problems. Have a great day & take care my friend.....George