Such another beautiful day to wake up to but everyday is a good day.Want to wish you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving week and for my friends that do not have Thanksgiving a blessed week. Thank you for your friendship.....George
Such a beautiful day here & warm. Getting up to 75 which is fine. Wife got her right knee total replacement yesterday & is doing great. Dr. said it was in bad shape. About four hours after surgery she got up to take a few steps. Probably come home today. Sure most of you ready for thanksgiving & wishing you many blessings........George
Wishing you a great weekend & hope all is well with you & yours. Know some are really freezing. Not too bad here even after the cold front came in . We started putting up some inside Christmas decorations & brought a bed downstairs for the wife to have when she has her knee replacement Tuesday. Might get the outside decorations up today while it's still warm but not turn them on yet. Throw another log on the fire & keep warm .....George
Happy hump day to you. A beautiful day here & waiting for the cool front to come in but not like some of you have. Had a trash truck at the school crossing turn the corner & the dump door was not secured & dumped a bunch of trash & garbage. He stopped ,called for a cleanup crew but what a mess with the people coming to school & traffic. Love smelling garbage & diesel smoke in the mornings. Hope your week is doing good so take care .......George
On October 30, my wife Geralyn and I attended our first Broadway Theater League play of the season here in Lafayette, Louisiana. This was one of our favorite plays and we did a really crazy video to see if you can guess what play we saw!