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Viewing 31 - 60 out of 617 Comments

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12/10/2021 10:26:48

12/08/2021 09:55:04

12/08/2021 09:33:06

12/03/2021 12:13:53

12/03/2021 09:55:18

12/03/2021 08:29:38

Happy Birthday, my NOTH friend.
I am not here too much. All the best from my distant land!

12/02/2021 17:12:21

Stopping by to wish you a Happy Birthday

11/29/2021 10:28:46

we got snow over the week-end..it

sure is pretty...have a marvelous day


11/26/2021 10:22:24

Hello dear friends, I am very grateful to all of you who have remembered me. THANK YOU ... I'm improving little by little ... Happy weekend everyone. Many kisses. 

11/23/2021 10:31:15

11/23/2021 08:51:40

11/20/2021 09:13:48

11/17/2021 09:25:39

11/15/2021 07:37:17

11/13/2021 10:58:20

it's cold out now and it feels more like Michigan with the new smow that we had yesterday and last night. I hope you enjoy your weekend.

11/11/2021 11:13:26

11/09/2021 09:04:36

11/06/2021 10:02:07

10/28/2021 19:19:01

10/27/2021 11:14:37

10/14/2021 09:17:25

good-morning, been really busy the last few days. taking advantage of nice days to get all of my outside stuff done before it gets cold out. hope all is well with you and you are enjoying this fall season..marykay

10/12/2021 02:56:08

10/10/2021 12:57:40

Hello dear friends, I am very grateful to all of you who have remembered me. THANK YOU ... I'm slowly improving ... Nice week everyone. Many kisses. 

10/09/2021 11:20:43

10/09/2021 11:16:15

09/20/2021 10:16:00

Monday | Happy monday quotes, Happy good morning quotes, Monday  inspirational quotes

09/15/2021 09:22:15

09/09/2021 01:13:47

Hello friends, first of all I would like to thank all of you who keep writing to me. Thanks from my heart. On day one I had an accident, and I am quite damaged ... I have broken the shoulder and humerus of the left arm, in addition to several bruises, on the 14th I had surgery. I'll be offline for a long time. Thank you very much for your friendship. When I can I will return. Take care of yourselves ... Many kisses to all. Isabel. 

Hola amigos, lo primero daros las gracias a todos los que me seguís escribiendo.  Gracias de corazon. El dia uno tuve un accidente, y estoy bastante dañada...me he roto el hombro y el húmero del brazo izquierdo, ademas de varias contusiones, el dia 14 me operan. Estare bastante tiempo desconectada. Muchas gracias por vuestra amistad.  Cuando pueda volveré.  Cuidaos mucho...Muchos besos a todos.   Isabel.

08/27/2021 16:24:47

08/24/2021 11:03:34

Hello dear friend I hope you have a wonderful week ...

Hugs, KJ

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