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04/26/2021 08:51:35


04/19/2021 17:26:00

Stopping by to say Hello. Hope all is well with you.

God Bless you. Have a great day. :-) 

04/16/2021 18:37:43


04/12/2021 11:13:50

Hi there my dear friend Kathie, it was just lovely to get a comment from you as you say you only come on here once in awhile. So happy to hear from you and that you are doing well. I am fine and my son is living with me since I had the heart attack, so nice as I don't know what I would do without him.   I am happy to hear that your baby will be visiting you and doing some things around your home that need doing. That is just great and especially when you haven't seen him for more than a year. ..so glad you are laying low what with this Covid , it will be great when we can do as we used to but I don't think it will be for some time yet. I miss seeing old friends but keep in touch by email or phone. Still, one does miss a hug don't you think? 

I am doing well Kathie, feel much better when my son is around as he was here when I had the heart attack, was so thankful that he was here. I get out most mornings and have a coffee with old time friends which make the day so nice. ..we are not quite on lock down here but cannot dine in restaurants so we sit outside on cafes patio. Today it is sunny and bright and will go down to the ocean and watch the little sailboats which have a nice breeze which they love...oh my you have grandchildren and great grands, it is too bad you live so far away from most of them,

Thanks for dropping by, hope to hear how your new deck turns out. Sorry re the print color, tried to fix it no go. Thinking of you and sending love from the heart to my very dear friend. God bless , love always Kathie, Moe  xxxx

Afternoon Moe! Your page looks so pretty!! I pop in here now and then but don't stay but a couple of minutes. Since the games aren't playable anymore, i just don't come to The Hill much anymore. My baby son will be coming from Tennessee to build a deck for me. I'm looking forward to that. I haven't seen him in over a year. It will be awesome to have him visit. Have stayed close to home since this Covid has been affecting everyone. I'll be 70 in June and at this age i don't want to go anywhere that would cause concern. How are you doing and feeling Moe? Do you see your son very often? Are you keeping busy? I know with the virus it's hard to be able to do many of the things that you might like to do.  My kids live all over the US and i don't get to see them or my grandchildren very often. I have 6 grandchildren and 6 great grandbabies that i don't get to see very often, it's sad that they live so far away. But anyway Moe, just wanted to check in and see how your doing. Always remember you are my lovely and very best friend. I will always hold dear to my heart. Have a blessed Sunday


04/11/2021 08:47:42

04/04/2021 05:49:21

Hi Kathie, wishing you a lovely Easter Sunday.

Big Hugs, Dianne

04/01/2021 21:48:43


04/01/2021 16:40:13

03/29/2021 10:27:41

Hi Kathie. Hope that you are having a good day. Enjoy your week.

Hugs and Love, Dianne

03/26/2021 14:55:48

Good afternoon. How are you today.

Hope all is well with you.

Been going to theropy every week for

my shoulder and had a cortisone shot done.

Today is over cast with rain then sun.

Hope your weather is good to you.

I hope you have a great day.

God Bless you. :-) 

03/20/2021 09:43:18

Hi Kathi, Wishing you a beautiful Day and great first day of Spring

Hugs and Blessings... Connie

03/18/2021 14:28:31

Glad you're back..

03/17/2021 08:12:36

Enjoy the green day.


03/17/2021 06:32:35

03/15/2021 20:44:02

~Hugs ~Lorri

03/13/2021 22:16:24

Hugs ~Lorri~Love your new photo....very pretty~ God Bless

03/11/2021 16:37:36

03/03/2021 13:23:51





Hello my sweet friend. How are you today. 

I thought i share this video with you that i took yesterday

 at my DRs. appointment. It was a very cold day and windy.

I love Mother nature. My favorite bird is Red Cardinals.

My shoulder is not getting any better. Still out of work

and on workers com. I miss working.

I hope all is well with you and your staying safe and warm.

Spring is almost here. I hope you have a Beautiful day.

God Bless you. :-)

02/26/2021 18:18:33


02/24/2021 07:55:04

Who Your Strength Weakens | Good morning image quotes, Good morning quotes,  Morning quotes

02/19/2021 04:35:32

Hi Kathie, wishing you a good day and hope that you are doing well. Thinking of you. Take care, with love and hugs, Dianne

02/18/2021 16:16:55

Hello my sweet friend. How are you today.

I hope you are staying safe and warm.

It is so cold here in Maine. It started to snow. 

We are getting 4 inches of snow.

I sure cannot wait for spring.

I had my MRI done and The Dr found 4 things 

in my left shoulder. I will be getting cortisone shots.

I am tired of pain from the fall at work.

I hope all is well with you. Please take care. 

God Bless you . Have a great day. :-)

02/12/2021 22:17:40

Happy Valentine's Day by Joyful226

It is hard to believe that Valentine's Day is so close. I hope you have a wonderful day today and everyday  and Valentine's too.

How are you doing?

I am so sorry it is been so long since I was on here. I try to come and do comments but seems like, just as I sit down to that very things something is always coming up and I get up and make breakfast, or dinner or something else. Just life.  Thank you so much for being my friend and not giving up on me. I am doing fine so far thank goodness. I hope you are too. 

Hugs and blessings Connie

02/06/2021 12:45:37

My sweet friend. I hope you have a very 

Beautiful Saturday. God Bless you. :-)

02/01/2021 15:38:45

Hello my sweet friend. How are you today.

I am still in pain with my arm from injury

but i will get through this. It is a very long healing.

I am getting ready for the big snow storm.

We will be getting 15 inches of snow. 50 mile hr winds.

I hope your weather is good to you.

Please stay safe my sweet friend. Prayers are with you.

God Bless you today and everyday. :-)

01/31/2021 09:55:22


01/30/2021 09:28:17

Sat picture from commentshaven.com
Hi Kathie, wishing you good day and weekend. The temperatures are cold here. Stay warm. Hugs, Dianne

01/26/2021 12:54:09

Hello my sweet friend. Stopping by to say hello.

I am still out of work and still on workers comp

for my injuries. I am doing a little better.

Thank you so much for your prayers. 

Know that your in my Heart and Thoughts and Prayers too.

Its a Beautiful day here in Maine.

Calm before the storm.

Feels like spring. Fresh air. Love it.

Storm will be tonight into tomorrow. Snow.

Hope your weather is good to you. 

Please stay safe. God Bless you. :-)

01/20/2021 07:04:32

Dear Kathie: wishing you a good day and good week. Take care and stay safe.

Love and Hugs, Dianne

01/16/2021 16:13:09

Hello my sweet friend. How are you today...

Im doing ok. Was resting for a 1/2 hour meditation.

Its raining here with winds. Lucky no snow.

I am looking forward to spring.

I hope your weather is good to you.

Cannot wait to go back to work. 

Please take care sweet friend. 

God Bless you today, :-)

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