Hope your week started off well. Sharing some of my fall decor. It's been arranged since September & adds a seasonal glow that I love (second fav with Christmas being first). 🌰
"Aki a csendet hallgatja, boldog lesz, elégedett és békesség tölti el, mert a csend hangjai a lélek hangjai."
Őri István
Kedves Barátom! Napsütéses, kissé szeles napunk van.Jó lenne, ha így is maradna a héten, lehetne a kertben dolgozni. Gyönyörűek a fák, a hulló falevelek. Teljenek a hét napjai kedved szerint.Ölelésem, Éva
Hello Linette, today is the Hispanic Day...right now there is a big storm, with lots of rain and thunder. We are having a bad day. I wish you the best for this weekend! Kisses
Linette, have a restful weekend! Honoring those are fighting, those who have survived & those who have been taken. Also not forgetting, though it's less than 1%, men also get breast cancer; my dad was 82 in 2013 when breast cancer was found & removed. 🍁