Stopping by to say hello.
Yesterday was my last day at work custodian in schools.
I have a new job now at Homedepot and still in training.
It is raining here in Maine. We really need it bad.
I hope the weather is good to you.
Ill be working Tuesday throug Saturday.
Sunday and Monday off.
I hope you have a great day. God Bless you.
God Bless you and Happy 4Th Of July. :-)
Sorry it has been so long since i havent been here.
I hope all is well with you.I have been going through so much.
My daughter was diployed 4 days ago.
It was hard on my to see her leave.
My brother got in to a bad accident. It was a hit and run.
He is in bad shape. We are looking into see who run him over.
Its a Beautiful day today. No that i was thinking of you
and hope your safe . You are in my prayers.
I hope you have a Beautiful Memorial Day.
God Bless you.
Take care.
Just got home from work.
It is a Beautiful day today.
I hope all is well with you.
I hope you ave a Beautiful Easter.
Happy Easter. God Bless you.