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07/02/2020 11:27:32

A nice Thursday to you. This is going to be a very warm day so better make up somemore lemonade.

 May you have a nice day. Smiles Gloria

06/05/2020 11:59:48

May you have a peaceful day and a  pleasant weekend that is coming up.  Smiles   Gloria

"A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give." Author Unknown

05/25/2020 08:22:08

Good Morning Edna, wishing you a safe and blessed Memorial Day!

05/24/2020 23:16:07

05/23/2020 12:47:21

Hi Edna, wishing you a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!

05/21/2020 23:24:28

Good evening to you . Such a glorious  day I had  planting  glads and dahlia's . The lawn  even got its first hair cut.

Now for the next several days rain will be coming down which wll be nice to hear the pitter patter of the rain drops.   I am looking for the rainy weather so I will stay indoors instead in the back yard most of the day and getting very little done in the home.  We are to be in the 70's for the daytime and over night temps in the 50's .   My my how I am enjoying these spring days. May you have a pleasant day tomorrow .

05/19/2020 22:48:36

A very nice evening to you.  My  what glorious day I have been having up north.  I am not getting much done  inside the home for I am enjoying the out of doors most of the day watching the flowers coming up out of the flowerbeds and planting glads that will  come up later this summer. The tulips are out right now  around the yard  which bring smiles to my face as I see their beautiful colors of yellow, red and pink.

May you have a nice and pleasant day tomorrow what ever you will be doing.

If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.

05/15/2020 08:56:33

good morning Edna,

05/12/2020 08:55:27

good morning Edna,

05/10/2020 09:17:04

Good Morning Edna,

Happy Mother's Day!

05/09/2020 16:54:06

05/09/2020 10:09:03

Nothing in life means anything unless someone cares, and the whole trick is to keep being that someone. ~Robert Brault

05/07/2020 09:22:06

good morning Edna,

05/05/2020 11:54:19

Have a good Tuesday, Edna!

05/05/2020 11:53:22

A pleasant day to you. Our area is having a  nice shower of rain coming down for part of the day. So refreshng to see it coming down that I just might need to stand in it for abit and splash in the puddles.  Do have a nice day whatever you will be doing today. Smiles  Gloria

I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again. ~William Penn

05/04/2020 11:06:43

05/01/2020 17:54:04

Hello Edna,

Happy first day of May!

below is my single Iris blooming, about 2 years ago.  This year I had 2.

04/30/2020 12:21:33

What a wonderful afternoon to enjoy the out of doors in ones back yard in our area. Infact I just did that for most of the morning  breathing  the fresh air of spring and and listening the birds  singing. A friend sent this to me in my comment box today and I want to share it with you also.  Hello  from me to you.Smiles   Gloria.

04/29/2020 10:03:54

Good Morning Edna, more rain on the way for us but we need it. Happy today!

04/27/2020 11:53:18

04/25/2020 09:42:44

Hi Edna,the storms on Thurs. left my yard in a mess but they did give us 2 inches of badly needed rain. After all that we are getting lovely Spring cool weather and I am enjoying it so much.  The plants and flowes are flourishing too. Have a wonderful weekend!

04/24/2020 11:43:49

May you have a very nice  day. We are having a beautiful  spring day.  So excited for the lilac bushes are starting to do some budding and the tulips are coming out of the ground gradually.Puts a smile to my face watching the robins walk around the yard.  My , My how I enjoy all the 4 seasons and all of its surprises. Smiles  Gloria

I heard the sweet voice of a robin,
      High up in the maple tree,
      Joyously, singing his happy song
      To his feathered mate, in glee!...
If we could be like this tiny bird,
      Just living from day to day,
      Holding no bitterness in our hearts
      For those we meet on our way...
~Gertrude Tooley Buckingham, "Heaven on Earth" (1940s)

04/23/2020 12:40:15

Hi Edna,

04/17/2020 09:02:28

Hi Edna, are your allergies any better? Mine are worse actually and I'm ready for the ragweed to die! We are cool and sunny here and its so nice. Enjoy your weekend and stay safe and well.

04/15/2020 12:11:51

 My thoughts are with you  this afternoon.  I pray you have calmness within your being as you go through  your moments this day.  Take care,  Gloria

When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
~Author Unknown

04/15/2020 10:55:39

Hello Edna, cool and rainy here and I love it. We need to rain to wash awy all the pollen! Enjoy your day.

04/13/2020 15:14:18

May you have a peaceful week .  Smiles  Gloria

04/13/2020 12:22:05

04/11/2020 15:09:02

May you and your loved ones have a glorious Blessed  Easter.

04/11/2020 13:40:28

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