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12/17/2019 07:50:26

12/15/2019 17:30:29

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Hello my sweet friend. How are you today.

Sorry i am a little late sending comments.

Been busy with family.

Its a very windy night tonight. We had a lot of rain here and floods.

I hope all is well with you.

Christmas is around the corner.

I havent started shopping yet. I hope you have a good night.

Please take care and ill be bach on the weekends.

God bless you and your family. Good night. :-)

12/14/2019 09:36:44

Good Morning Edna,

12/13/2019 18:37:52

Just had to share this clipping.  My Mother would make a fruit cake at Christmas time  for the whole family to enjoy when I was growing up.  Such memories!  Later years  married and children of our own a friend would make our family a fruit cake  from her mother' s recipe  of years past.  It was such a treat to receive this yummy in the tummuy  fruit cake   for all those  years.  Treasured  Memories!  The old fashion  fruit cakes were very heavy , moist and delicious.   Smiles  Gloria

12/11/2019 08:38:28

Hi Edna, cool and rainy here so will stay in and work on some chores like wrapping gifts. Enjoy your day!

12/10/2019 15:18:47

The spritz cookies are now baked   and  I have already tested  some to make sure they taste just like a spritz cookie.  hahahah  yummy in the tummy.   Merry  Christmas to you and your loved ones.

12/09/2019 12:51:49

Stopping by to say hello...enjoy the week -:)

12/09/2019 08:15:52

12/08/2019 08:31:51

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Good morning. Happy Sunday. How are you today. Hope all is well with you.

It has been a very busy week at work for me.

I worked over time and have to do it again tomorrow.

Im not feeling so well today. I havent been since yesterday. 

Sinus headaches are very sore. 

Thank you so much for you stopping by and visiting my page

and thank you so much for your beautiful comments

and thank you so much for your sweet friendship.

You are a Blessing from God in Heaven.

I hope you have a great day.

Im going to rest. Trying to get better. God Bless you. Take care.

12/06/2019 09:09:47

12/04/2019 10:31:16

Hi Edna, I think we're friends on FB but haven't reconnected here on the Hill since I redid my page. Hope you had a good birthday!

12/03/2019 14:27:49

Stopping by to say hello.

I hope your weather is good to you.

Im in a bad 2 snow storms.

Its bad out side.

Staying home where its safe and warm.

No that im thinking of you and 

hope you have a great day. God bless you.

12/03/2019 12:46:35


12/03/2019 12:05:27

 Hope your day is being nice to you as it is for me today for the sun is out and shinning on the snow.  This snow is not snowman snow but  Angel snow light and fluffy.  A good day to make up some homemade soup.  Abit chill at 21 F. but no wind so that is nice if I am  going to run afew  errands later on today.  May you have a  glorious day doing this and that.  Smiles   Gloria

12/03/2019 09:59:04

12/02/2019 07:41:23

An early wish of happy birthday! Be healthy, prosperous and LOVED!
Hugs from my distant land!

11/26/2019 10:13:16

11/25/2019 12:03:17

A nice day to you.  For me I am having a glorious day for it is snowing.  BREATHTAKING!   Rained over night so ice is under this snow  and I am indoors for the day . One of my jobs today is  snow watching and what a neato nice  thing to do to make one smile and feel warm all over. Chili is in the makings for the day and of course  I can't forget the  oyster crackers floating in the chili. 

Happy Thanksgiving to you on Thursday. May you have a  very special gathering with your family and friends.  Smiles   Gloria

11/23/2019 21:42:01

Hello my sweet friend. How are you today. 

I hope your weekend is going great for you

and i hope your weather is nice.

Its cold here in maine. Im near the coast and will only get rain.

Up north will get snow. Will be very cold tomorrow.

Sorry i wasnt here last weekend.

Was with family.

I want to send you an early Thanksging comment today.

I hope you have a beautiful Thanksgiving and a Bless one.

God bless you and keep you. Ill be back next weekend. :-)

11/23/2019 13:01:44

Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving week..

11/22/2019 20:12:27

Enjoy your weekend -:)

11/11/2019 11:45:13

11/10/2019 23:16:48

Nice evening to you. Busy days these days of doing this and that  and might get afew snowflakes coming down tomorrow for a treat.  Cooler temps  so need to take out the warmer winter clothing. My how I like all the 4 seasons and all if its little suprises.  I do believe I need another spot of tea before I call it quits tonight.  Pleasant night to all.

11/02/2019 13:34:17

A wonderful weekend to you. November is now here!  Love this month and all of is surprises.  Enjoying some flavored pumpkin  spice coffee at the moment.  Ever so tasty. Abit chilling and windy outside so will enjoy doing this and that in the home.  May your weekend be ever so nice to you.  Smiles   Gloria

10/31/2019 13:40:02

Pleasant day to you.  My goodness tomorrow we start the month of November.  Such a very special month full of birthdays  plus Thanksgiving  at Grammies.  The sun is shinning today which warms ones heart.  Enjoying some French Vanilla & Almond flavored coffee from Cameron's at the moment.

Library has some books in for me that I order awhile back so will visit our friendly library this afternoon.

10/30/2019 13:28:20

My goodness afew snowflakes are coming down in our area to brighten this day even more.  Enjoying at the moment some gingerbread flavored coffee to go along with  the snowflakes. Ha Ha.  Hope your day is nice to you and your enjoying your day.  Smiles   Gloria

10/29/2019 13:38:25

A very nice Tuesday day to you.  It is abit chilly in our area with the temp at 22 or so. A great day to make  up some  Bear Creek Cheddar Broccoli  soup mixes. It's  so yummy ! Of course one must enjoy the oyster crackers along with the soup. May you have a nice afternoon.   Now where is my coffee cup for I need to have another cup of that  pumkin spice.   Smiles   Gloria

10/27/2019 10:15:08

special sunday angel photo angel_1.jpg

Hello my sweet friend. How are you today...

How is the weather your way.Its raining here in Maine.

Halloween is almost here. Im working it.

I wasnt intersted in a Halloween party last night so i stayed home.

I have been going through depression friday.

Im doing ok today. Resting on a sunday before tomorrow work day.

I hope you have a Beautiful Sunday. God bless you. :-)

10/26/2019 09:46:36

Enjoy the weekend Edna -:)

10/25/2019 15:45:48

Enjoy the weekend -

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