Hi Sara: what a pity you have no birdies. Obviously you love 'em. Try these on for size..........
I had an irruption of waxwings like the photo you have on your page - musta bin 500 or more. The pic I took was published in the local newspaper on the front page.
Just surfing the Hill today...saw your post asking about where others here get their pictures, etc. I use Pinterest..never failed finding anything (theme) there..
What a wonderful page you have here. Awesome. I adore chickadees and this page of yours is soooo cool. What a nice thing to come to first thing in the morning. Stay healthy and happy and have a great week.
sorry for not being here much lately, i fell on the ice last week and bruised my right leg and hip pretty bad, and it hurts to sit too long...hope your week-end is going well...and if you have some spare somshine, please send it my way...hugs
May you have a nice weekend . I am enjoying some flavored french vanilla coffee at the moment and then later on will do afew errands around our friendly community. We are having warm temps of 17 above today which is wonderful. Smiles Gloria