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12/09/2023 05:00:20


Saturday and I am having College Football Withdrawals!  It will be about 4 weeks until my Texas Longhorns play.  UGH!!!  


Yesterday and today we had and will have warm temperatures but we also have 20+ mph winds on and off.  Thank goodness they settle down at night.  


I had a very busy week, especially for me.  This time of year do you find people trying to be more kind or less kind?  I try to take a deep breath and be more kind every day.  Most days it works but some days it doesn't.  


Some days things just don't go right, everything you do is a setback.  So you just put on a smile.  Somehow things get better and you laugh over the day you had.  

So if you ever have a troubling day, look around and find something that makes you smile.  I hope you have a great Caturday and Weekend being kind to everyone you encounter.  


12/08/2023 10:43:28

It's Friday... all day!!

12/08/2023 09:04:46


We made it to Friday again.  In the blink of an eye Christmas will be over and it will be a brand new year.  Today, I am sending you pictures of one of my favorite places that is beautiful all year round.  We rode motorcycles down the coast of Oregon and around Crater Lake and back up to Portland.  









Have you ever been there?  It is a beautiful state to visit.  Those are not my pictures as it was a long time ago.  My pictures are somewhere on this computer though.  Whatever you do, have fun and make great memories!  


12/07/2023 15:42:11

12/07/2023 10:25:41

Nights are cold; days are mild. I hope
you're liking your changing season!
*hugs* -di

12/07/2023 05:18:47


I am going to the Edward Jones Christmas dinner this evening.  I am excited to see some of my favorite clients.  


Yesterday we mowed (vacuumed) the yard and all the bags are now ready for pick up.  We are supposed to be near 70 today but VERY windy.  I am sure the yard will be full again.  


The backyard cleans up nice.  The poor plants are so confused with warm during the day and then mid 30's during the night.  I think Saturday will be COLD north winds.  


My orange climbing Rose bush that is over 20 years old is loving this weather.  I hope you are enjoying your weather.  I am sending you Blessings & Hugs!  


12/06/2023 10:44:04

What a wonderful Wednesday this
promises to be. Whatever errands
or chores are on your to-do list...
enjoy!  *hugs* -di

12/06/2023 05:32:01


This Wednesday is a perfect day to pick some beautiful flowers in our area.  


Roses are always a favorite.  Yellow and Red are always very popular colors.  


Pink is a favorite color of lots of people.  What is your favorite color?  


Now we are talking!  A mixture of all colors because everyone is different and now everyone can pick their favorite.  


Be yourself and love yourself and others will love you too!  


12/05/2023 13:10:50

Hope your Tuesday is just terrific
and filled w/good things!
*hugs* -di

12/05/2023 08:22:21

12/05/2023 05:47:09


Good day to you this Tuesday!  I hope you have a Happy and Blessed Day!  

Today I am heading out to have lunch with Kelly and Jody from Edward Jones!  


Yesterday ran some errands just for fun but that was after I had a haircut.  It doesn't look much different, but the back is much shorter.  


I didn't go from a caterpillar to a butterfly but it sure feels a lot better.  Now I better get ready and not keep the girls waiting.  


Besides, I don't want to miss lunch!  I am picking them up!  


12/04/2023 15:37:03

Hello my friend. Sending winter hugs and Merry Christmas.
Winter Graphics

Winter Graphics

Winter Graphics

12/04/2023 13:18:28

What a glorious Monday day.  I do believe I do need another cup of coffee, though. Smiles Gloria

            Coffee is a hug in a mug. ~Author unknown

12/04/2023 10:47:52

Merry Monday, friend! I hope
you're enjoying the holiday
spirit:)  *hugs* -di

12/04/2023 09:51:42


12/04/2023 07:33:47

12/04/2023 05:52:58

Monday is here and we are still remembering the memories we made over the weekend.  


We had such a blessed weekend.  It started when our neighbors came over for a visit in the backyard.  Jessica was pushing Bennett who is 8 and his sister who is 2 in our swing.  Their laughter was music to our ears.  


Then our adopted family arrived.  We had the best time together celebrating 3 birthdays!  We went to eat Mexican Food and "visited up a storm".  Of course, the Texas Longhorns winning was the cherry on top.  


Meet our grandson, Will, who is 6'5" at age 17.  Yes he is taller than his dad who loves to mess with him.  Yes, I am short!  


Yes, Will is taller than his 6' mom!  She takes such good care of us and obviously her son too.  


Our dog Carly, loves everyone.  Will doesn't even fit on the couch.  But a  fun time is always had when we are all together.  Will has learned to tell long stories just like his Grandpa (as I shake my head).  


Yes, we are very sad as they drive off because they are about 2 hours away and we don't like to drive after dark any more.  We are so thankful every time they come to visit us.  Yes, we are... 


12/03/2023 11:21:11

Happy Sunday, friend:)
*hugs* -di

12/03/2023 07:10:41

12/03/2023 05:41:21


Oh, what a beautiful day!  But then I think that about each and every day!  


Do you have any plans for this week?  I have something for the next 3 days that I have to leave the house to do.  


Just something to get me out and about for a bit each day to share a smile with someone who needs it.  


After all, kindness can be contagious and I hope you share it with others.  I plan on doing just that!  


12/02/2023 13:10:48

May you  have a glorious weekend. At the moment I am enjoying one of my favorite coffee blends called Creme Brulee and a Creme Brulee creamer to go with it to make it even more special to the taste.

So exciting for in our area we just might see some snowflakes coming down on Monday.  Now wouldn't that be delightful  to ones eyes. Smiles  Gloria

12/02/2023 09:59:42

Happy Saturday, friend. Hope your
weather is perfect for your plans. We
are getting rain; perfect for us.
But for some football games... not
so much.😳  *hugs* -di

12/02/2023 06:18:08

12/02/2023 05:36:42

12/01/2023 14:30:27

12/01/2023 10:08:23

Happy December, friend! We'll enjoy
each day of this festive month:)
*hugs* -di

12/01/2023 05:33:43


The last month of 2023 is here!  Where, oh where, did the year go?  Enjoy the first Friday of December.  


As fast as this year has gone by, Spring will be here before we know it.  


But first, we must say hello to snow ❄️ and blazing fires in the fireplaces to keep warm.  


Goodbye November and much needed rain.  More leaves will be falling as temperatures drop too.  


Get out the gloves and stock up on hot chocolate.  Ready or not December is here.  


Sending you Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

11/30/2023 10:48:50

Hope your "today" is a good one, and
busy doing only fun stuff:) *hugs*

11/30/2023 10:41:18

May you have a very pleasant  wintery day today. We did get a bit of dusting of snow  for over night and there is frost on the roof tops.  My how I enjoy winter and all the snow flakes that fall from the sky. Stay warm and I will do the same in our area. Now where did I put that snow shovel.  hahah Smiles   Gloria

            Snowflakes are kisses from heaven. ~Author unknown

11/30/2023 05:47:05

This Thursday we should have a high of about 65°.  Then we are supposed to have rain this afternoon/evening.  


Just what are you getting into today?  Whatever it is, I hope you have fun.  


Find some place with beautiful flowers and a bench to sit awhile and enjoy the noise of the city.  


Maybe find flowers in a quiet spot just to sit and think about what is not going on all around you.  


Whatever you find to do today, share your smile with a stranger and/or a friend and please be happy!  


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