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10/16/2023 09:45:38


I am trying to smile this Monday morning but it is still dark.  Just another reason I like summer... long days of SUNSHINE!


I do not like total darkness.  I have night lights in every room.  However, I know that Heaven's light is shining in my heart and I hope you can see it.  


Even at night when I go out to take pictures, the moon and stars (and my backyard solar lights) light up the area.  


I try to always be a light and I hope you light up when you are around others too.  


This week let us all be a lighthouse for those that are in darkness or in a dark place and need some light.  


10/15/2023 12:05:07

Happy Autumn weekend. It seems
color is "becoming" each day.
Enjoy!  *hugs*

10/15/2023 10:50:29


Blessings on this Sunday and every day.  Laughter is the best medicine!  On that we can all agree.  


Love is what life is all about and it is healing along with time!  Every day show your love for everyone you meet.  


Some days it takes extra hope & strength with a smile on your face to show the love in your heart.  


Always look for the good with Love, Laughter, Hope, Strength, Smiles and whatever it takes.  Sundays are for starting the week off practicing all of these.  


Just look at that smile on my face.  I may not be moving fast but I am sharing Sunday Blessings with you today and always.  


10/14/2023 10:20:46

Have a delightful weekend, friend. *hugs*

10/14/2023 07:46:13

10/14/2023 06:02:11


Happy, happy Caturday to you!  I hope that you had a Blessed Friday the 13th.  I know we did.  


I hope you chanced one eye at least!  We had a cold front come through Friday afternoon and are it is cold for us this morning at 51°.


All I can say is that it might be time to get out a sweater or sweatshirt.  Good thing we don't leave the house on weekends!  


There will be lots of steam coming up off of my coffee.  There will probably be some hot tea made during the day too.  


My thoughts will be about warm sunshine on a beach somewhere.  What are you thinking about this weekend?  


10/13/2023 09:46:43

It'll be an amusing day:) 🥰 *hugs*

10/13/2023 09:20:05


My gosh!  Where did the week go?  I had to look and see what day it was, FRIDAY?!  Friday the 13th is my lucky day!  


I think I need Chocolate and a lot of it to go with my coffee today!  It has been quite a week!  

Would you get me some ice to go with my scotch?  I only wish, with weeks like this one, that I would still drink!  


So I will just have Faith in the lessons that God has taught me this week and say, Thank You Lord!  Now, let's get ready for the weekend!  


10/12/2023 10:22:18

Wishing you abundant smiles
& joy:) *hugs* -di

10/12/2023 09:55:27


Thursday was supposed to be a warm, near 90°, day for us but because of all the clouds yesterday and today, we will only be about 81°.  However the promises of an even cooler weekend are in sight.  


What is your story?  I hope you are enjoying your story and that you are right where you want to be in it.  


Your happy life should include love and showing lots of love toward lots of different people.  


So for today, let's just sit back and enjoy the view and my favorite colors make this view perfect.  


10/11/2023 16:13:57


Smile!  It is hump day, middle of the week, Wednesday!  I changed my router and what fun!  I am back up and running after almost 24 hours.  


Is your battery low and in need of being charged?  Today is the perfect day to smile and make others wonder what you are thinking!  Do you know how many things have to be reset because of no internet and a new router?  


What are you looking at?  Besides, that is a good way to get people to talk to you and share "love" with them!    


We love our pets!  We love the Fall season!  We love each other!  Share your smile and love everyday!  I am still smiling!  


10/11/2023 11:37:51

The Gulf is pushing rain into our state,
but won't reach this far.  If you're
still dry, hope you're having better
luck. Happy Wednesday! -di

10/11/2023 08:14:52


10/10/2023 08:05:31


Welcome to Tuesday!  I love flowers!  It is almost time to plant Tulips and other bulbs for them to come up in the Spring.  


We will take a slow drive down the dead-end road to the house and look at all the different colors.  


We can get out and get an up close view of the pretty pink ones.  


When you plant the bulbs you are never sure of what colors will come up.  Wouldn't this be a lovely surprise?  


Of course, this would be my favorite view.  A field of orange, yellow and red with the beautiful orange evening clouds rolling in.  Thanks for coming along with me!  


10/09/2023 10:01:02

Our chestnuts, oaks & maples are getting
pretty... I bet yours are, too!

10/09/2023 05:52:03


Monday is always an awesome day.  The beginning of a new week!  


This Monday is two fold.  It is also a Federal holiday which means no mail and yet the stock market is open and trading today.   


Just when you think you have it all figured out, they confuse us with what is open and what is not open.  


They confuse us with AI and what is real and what is not real.  

So let's just go out, take a ride and make this an AWESOME day!  

10/08/2023 11:36:41

Good morning, Anne!
It's Sunday, a day of serenity and rest.
May you find lots of both. *hugs*

10/08/2023 09:36:09


As we celebrate Sunday and get ready for a new week to begin, let us pause and remember those who are going through a difficult time.  


You never know who got some bad news, who is having health problems, who just needs a friend to talk to right now.  


Everybody has a story that they want to share, want to tell someone about their day and are in need of a friend to listen to them.  


Be that friend this week.  Call someone you haven't talked to in a long time or someone who is on your heart and you are not sure why.  

Share Blessings & Hugs that I am sharing with you!  Pam


10/07/2023 09:29:05

Cool front coming... ushering in brisk
breezes today, really cool temps tonight.
Hope your Saturday is a delight, Anne!
*hugs* -di

10/07/2023 08:57:26


Caturday is here!  The weekend has begun, well, for those who get up early anyway.  As a baby, my son got his days and nights mixed up and they are still that way!  


I have a special delivery for you from FedEx.  I can tell you are "chancing" one eye to see what it is!  


Do you know how good pumpkins are?  If your dog has an upset stomach give them canned pumpkins.  I always keep a can or two on hand.  


Did you know that cows, deer, chickens, ducks, etc. all love eating pumpkins?  



10/07/2023 08:31:21

10/06/2023 12:24:53

Got plans this weekend? Ours
is to finish outside trim work. One
more chore done:) Have a super
today enjoying the season.

10/06/2023 08:25:35

Jump for Joy!  Friday is finally here again!  Yippee!  

Who all wants to go to the beach this weekend?  What cool weather?  


You want to come visit the farm?  After all, it is a beautiful day!  


Look at the beautiful flowers we picked to celebrate the weekend.  Let's wait for it to begin together.  


As you can tell, I don't wear shoes unless I am getting in the car and going somewhere.  For now, let's chill and see what comes next.  


10/06/2023 04:25:28


10/05/2023 11:36:54

Today is takey-outey day for
our main meal... BBQ sammies.
Made vinegar slaw this morning
to top it off.  I love days I
don't see much of the kitchen:)
Have a great Thursday!

10/05/2023 10:12:24


Oh my list is so long that I don't even know where to start.  Our Medicare Specialist went over the new plans for next year and we are saving $$$. temp-Imagem-Qg-DTF  

It started raining last night about 9:15 pm and rained on and off until after 5 am this morning.  Yes, we are ever so THANKFUL.  The big cracks in the yard are now very small and shallow.  What a Blessing!  


I am always thankful for coffee.  I love the smell of it much more than I do drinking it.  However, I love drinking it too!  


There is nothing like love jumping on you when you walk in the door.  I am not sure we will ever get another pet or dog but at the same time, I can't imagine life without one.  


I am so blessed by all the friends that I have and have had some of them 40-50 years or more.  New and long time friends mean the world to me!  


The journey hasn't always been smooth but I am so grateful for the road we are on now and where He has led us.  Glad you are part of it too!  


10/04/2023 11:24:27

"They" say cooler weather, maybe
a tad of rain coming... :)
Happy today!  *hugs*

10/04/2023 08:17:56


Don't I look excited that it is Wednesday?  I am waiting for rain, lots of rain!  


Yesterday was supposed to be our last Hot day and we are supposed to get some rain.  Time to put away the sunglasses for a few days!  


We all know that after the rain, we will need them again, no matter the temperatures.  


My favorite thing about Fall is all the Orange.. pumpkins, leaves and skies included.  


10/03/2023 11:05:01

Have a Silly Tuesday
(that means have fun:) *hugs*

10/03/2023 09:24:18

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