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10/03/2023 08:16:00


Taco Tuesday is here!  Our neighbors are back home and now we only see Gus when the kids are in school.  


It's OK.  There are lots of other creatures that will grab our attention today.  That is a dragonfly but it looks like a fairy!  


We don't have too many eagles in our trees but it is always an "ah ha" moment when I do see one, especially taking off in flight.  


There are so many things in this world to see and I thank God for all the photographers!  And yes for the different seasons!  


We have the promise of cooler temperatures and rain in our forecast.  I think we are catching up with the rest of you soon.  


10/02/2023 13:35:30

Merry Monday, friend!  *hugs*

10/02/2023 07:34:25


Coffee Time!  Monday is already here and October is here!  What will this month bring to us?  


Every day when I go outside, I look up at the sky!  This morning the moon was big, white and round in our blue sky.  


Isn't it amazing how each day is different and very unique.  I never get tired of looking around me.  


The amazing things that happen way up above us.  God's handiwork!  


The creations that change every day, sometimes in an hour.  He is truly amazing.  Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!  


10/01/2023 12:21:05

10/01/2023 11:57:20

Enjoy the gifts of this new month... pumpkin
patches, hayrides, festivals, apple cider,
scarecrows, roasted marshmallows,
jack-o-lanterns, colorful dresses on trees,
country drives, trick-or-treaters,
sweaters, plaid blankets, ... on and on.
Enjoy your October!  *hugs* -di

10/01/2023 11:26:47


It was another win for the Texas Longhorns even though the first half wasn't pretty.  So I am happy today!  


That's what I look like every day when we feed Gus the cat and give scraps to the chickens.  


They just pull at my "heart strings"!  Our neighbors will be home sometime Monday so today will be our last evening to gather eggs.  


Nothing like being a Mother Hen!  But we love taking care of their animals.  It was so cute when we "call" Gus and he comes running to us.  He knows we love him.  


The most fun thing each day is to share your love with someone else.  Sometimes it is a hug, sometimes a smile, sometimes just a call.  Let's make it a great week and share our love!  


09/30/2023 10:25:57


Caturday Greetings!  Would you like a cup of coffee?  Come on over and I'll introduce you to some of my friends.  


Several friends are already here.  Today we are talking about flowers!  We would love for you to join us.  


We already have a spot for you at the table.  Do you know the name of these flowers?  No one that is already here seems to know.  


If it gets too windy or cold or begins to rain, we can always move inside for a while.  


And please, don't worry about being shy or the "odd" one in the group.  We have several like that.  We just like to gather to share things that put a smile on each other's face!  

Meet Gus, the cat next door!  


09/30/2023 09:34:56

09/30/2023 08:26:49


09/29/2023 15:24:31

Happy Friday, and have a safe weekend
of cheer and joy! *hugs*

09/28/2023 11:56:00

09/28/2023 09:20:20


Thursday is a day for Butterflies!  The other day, I had so many different butterflies in the yard.  I think they were looking for water as well as nectar.  


Some butterflies seem to add color wherever they go and some are the color!  


Have you seen butterflies that are a pale color?  I have some that are yellow but you can almost see through them. They are so pale.  


I think that this butterfly would just disappear if it landed on a green plant, don't you?!  


I love watching the butterflies, but I have very few videos of them.  Have you ever tried to video a butterfly up close?  Mine are so quick and cover the whole back yard in a matter of seconds.  To keep them in view, I have to zoom out to most of the yard and then you can't even tell what color they are!  


09/27/2023 12:08:27

sorry for not being here much

i've been busy canning and cleaning my garden, doing the getting ready for winter thing. hope everything is peachy in your world..take care..marykay

09/27/2023 12:08:10

Will tend to some chores today, but not
too many... must always have something
waiting 'til tomorrow:) Have a day of
smiles while doing 'whatever'.

09/27/2023 09:59:31


Whee!  It is all downhill from here for this week!  


Do you play a musical instrument?  I don't and I can't carry a tune either.  I sure do enjoy listening to music though.  


Some people are so creative!  This would be a cute game table to play cards on, to me!  


I do love to read with soft soothing music in the background.  Lately, every time I think about reading, I start yawning.  Maybe because I have been staying up too late at night.  


The later it gets and the closer my supposedly bedtime approaches, it always seems that I get a second wind.  Or someone will call and I am wide awake.  Tonight will be my "catch up" on sleep night, unless I can find a good movie.  


09/26/2023 11:27:27

Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow will be
Saturday. Hurry! ... enjoy the week!

09/26/2023 08:47:07


How about we sit on this bench and dream Tuesday away?  No need to do chores today.  Just visit and enjoy the view!  


Of course we can make the best of this day and choose to do that every day.  Do I get frustrated?  Sure!  Do I have a bad day?  Sure!  But not for very long.  


And I have lots of "bad hair" days!  But on those days, I just don't look in the mirror.  


So if you have a bad day, find something or someone who will put a smile on your face.  Or go out and do something you really like to do that is fun.  


After all, a dog, a cat, an animal, a friend, etc. can all turn your day around and make you smile.  Then go share that smile with others and make their day bright too.  


09/25/2023 12:13:09

The first red leaf is on our maple. I hope
this year all our trees will shine in their
dresses, wherever each of us
 is located. *hugs*

09/25/2023 12:10:37


Here we go again!  Another week but the last one in September!  Where did this month go?  Zip!  Poof!  Gone!  


I really love my page.  I guess you know I love giraffes.  Well there is something else I like a lot too.  


The Plano Hot Air Balloon Festival was this weekend.  Look at that beautiful Texas Balloon!  


And did you know that HEB is going to build a grocery store about 4 miles from our house?  It will open in Spring of 2025.  


Have you ever been to a Hot Air Balloon launch?  We used to go when we first moved here.  It is always an on and off launch because we usually have too much wind for them to launch.  I love the nighttime when the Balloon "glow"!  


09/25/2023 11:24:03

  Happy Monday.  

09/24/2023 10:49:59

Have a joyous Fall Sunday:)

09/24/2023 05:58:45


Happy Day after Caturday!  Sunday is one of seven of my favorite days!  Do you have a favorite day of the week?  


Right now Fall is a favorite time of year for many people!  I am a Summer girl but it has been a long hot summer with no rain!  


  • So yes, I do enjoy the cooler temperatures and Mother Nature teasing us with clouds and a drizzle of precipitation every now and then.  But for the most part, give me longer days. Although we had a heat index of 105-109° yesterday.


As Spring comes to an end, Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush flowers are in full bloom with the promise of longer days and more bright colored flowers.  That would be the beginning of summer!  


Yes, I am a sunshine girl who loves watching the sun come up before 6 am and setting around 9 pm.  I will concede that Fall is a nice change but I am already dreading the season that comes next.  I don't like the cold, coats, sweaters, and all the things that come with Winter either.  


09/23/2023 09:59:17

Good morning, and Happy Fall!
We have days ahead filled w/smells,
sounds, and scenes we'll all savor:)
Cheers! *hugs* -di

09/23/2023 09:53:31


Where did the week go?  It is Saturday and this evening we play the Baylor Bears!  I am always ready for some football or college baseball.  


Most of our hummingbirds have migrated to South Texas now.  We do still have some that stay pretty much most of the year.  Have you ever seen a rare Albino of any species?  


I even found this video of a rare Albino Hummingbird.  Also my girlfriend in South Texas, Judy, shared her video of all my hummingbirds that are now at her feeder over 400 miles away.  I was grateful that they had a new home for a while on their layover!  


Happy Fall?  We will have a heat index between 105-109° today and yes we still need rain without the damaging storms.  But there are always lots of blessings each day and a long list of things to be thankful for too.  Thank you for being my friend!   


Now let's get this weekend started and I hope you get out and do something special for those you love.  Pass on that Hug!  I am not working Monday but Friday!  Happy Caturday!  


09/22/2023 10:51:14

Happy Friday and upcoming
weekend! *hugs* -di

09/22/2023 07:53:30


Woo Hoo!  We made it to Friday one more time!  I am looking forward to working on Monday!  


What is your favorite thing to drink?  I drink mostly water and love Coconut Water!  Every now and then I will drink some milk at home.  I love hot tea but rarely make it.  I don't drink tea in a restaurant any more but like an Arizona Tea now and then.  I love the Cocoringa Moringa Hot Chocolate and it has great nutritious ingredients.  


Do you like to go out to eat?  I love eating out and love picking up food to bring home.  I guess you can tell we do cook but the cooking and cleaning up is not our favorite thing to do.  


You can probably tell just by looking at me how much I love to eat.  My favorite is meat and potatoes or bacon, egg & tomato sandwich.  I may only eat 2 meals a day, but I do make each of the meals really count.  


Whatever you do or whatever you eat, I am sending you Blessings & Hugs this weekend!  Pam

09/21/2023 13:28:09


Thursday is here again... already!  The week is flying by.  So much to do and so little time.  Ok, all the time in the world (until the Lord comes anyway).  


Time for the fairies to refill my cup.  Ok, maybe my fairy is my Hubby, but still time for at least that second cup already.  And maybe it is already past 1 pm today because he spoils me and I just don't want to get out of my chair.  


Coffee makes the world more colorful, don't you agree?  It usually takes more than one cup too.  


I don't like it so hot that it melts the cup either.  But the view is pretty great most days!  


One of my favorite times of the day is in the evening when I put fresh coffee grounds in the coffee pot for the next day.  I love the smell of coffee!  Anytime is ... 


09/21/2023 10:45:28

Fall is almost here... Yayyy!!
Have a delightful today:)

09/20/2023 09:44:13

09/20/2023 08:34:47


Blessings upon Blessings to celebrate today.  Yesterday afternoon, my son in Flower Mound (an hour away) called me on FaceTime.  


They were getting really nice rain.  It was only 70° and it rained for 30 minutes or more.  


One by one the girls all gave up and ran back into the house.  Nicole and the dogs were the last group to leave.  Wayne and I talked for 20 minutes or so watching and listening to the rain, the lightning, and the loud thunder.  He said it was the loudest he had ever heard.  We even saw a fire truck go past.  


He called me back on FaceTime and the house that caught fire was 10 houses down from him on the other side of the street.  It looks like the windows all blew out and the 2nd story was very damaged.  The lady & daughter were not injured and neighbors ordered pizza, but last night they got a bunch more rain which probably did more damage.  So friends, count your Blessings!  


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