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01/07/2019 11:37:46

Potato soup -:)

January is National Soup Month


01/07/2019 11:06:46

January is National Soup Month

01/06/2019 21:40:27

I hope your weekend has been good
and your week goes even better.
Love & Hugs, Always~ Judi

01/06/2019 00:01:49

01/04/2019 19:48:21

Hugs, Ann

01/04/2019 18:27:45

enjoy your weekend . all the best in 2019   Hugs  Moe

01/04/2019 15:14:57


01/04/2019 15:10:36

Enjoy the weekend -:) I love cardinals -:)

01/04/2019 14:18:41

Dropping by to say a quick "Hello"
and wish you a beautiful day
and first weekend of the New Year.
Be Safe, Be Happy and most of all...
Enjoy life.
Love & Hugs, Always~ Judi

01/03/2019 21:54:36

Happy New Year Message

01/01/2019 22:01:41

Hello my sweet friend ~
It's been a hectic but wondereful holiday around here,
I hope it's been wonderful for you & yours as well...Enjoy your night and the week to come.
Love & Hugs, Always~ Judi

12/31/2018 05:13:19

12/30/2018 22:34:06

Hello my friend.
I wanted to drop by to wish you a beautiful Sunday and a very Happy New Year!
We're havinng a few family & friends over tomorrow for a small get together,
Whatever your choice is for
turning a new page in history, please
Be Safe, Be Happy and most of all...
Enjoy Life .
Love & Hugs, Always~ Judi

12/28/2018 19:34:59

Dropping by to say a quick "Hello"
and wish you a wonderful weekend leading up to the New Year.
Be Safe, Be Happy and most of all...
Enjoy your friends and family.
Love & Hugs, Always~ Judi

12/28/2018 19:28:39

Thank You For Your Friendship.
Love & Hugs, Judi

12/28/2018 14:33:56

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Hello my sweet friend. Stopping by to check in.

I hope you had a beautiful Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

My Christmas was a blessing. Enjoyed family time.

The weather hear is snowy andy and foggy today.

I hope your weather is good for you.

Just letting you know i was thinking of you

and hope all is well. Im sending cute angels your way today.

I hope you have a beautiful and bless holiday.

Happy New Year to you and your family.

God bless you today and always. 

12/24/2018 18:09:57


Silent Night

A beautiful video of “Silent Night” performed By Sissel that is relaxing and enjoyable to watch. Have a Merry Christmas!



Waiting For Santa

Waiting For Santa

Waiting for Santa can be tough when you're really looking forward to Christmas and that special gift.


Oh Come Emmanuel

O Come Emmanuel

Musicians Lindsey Stirling and Kuha’o Case perform a version of the classic Christmas song.


My Christmas Eve

My Christmas Eve

Bob Welsh shares with us a story about how a State Trooper spent the night before Christmas.


12/23/2018 21:34:23

Unto Us a Child is Born, Unto Us, a Son is Given...And His Name Shall be Called: Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace.

Wishing you a Wonderful Christmas filled with Peace, Joy, and Love.  Merry Christmas Connie PS I left my 2018 Christmas letter on Bulletins.

12/23/2018 07:09:03

Change For A Dollar

Change For A Dollar is a wonderful short film that follows a man as he affects multiple peoples’ lives with just one dollar.

Best Christmas Lights

Two neighbors are competing over who has the best display of Christmas lights in this funny short film.

A funny Christmas film from Jeroen Houben called “Best Wishes”. These
guys have really gotten into the Christmas spirit as they have created
some impressive light displays for their homes. It’s nice to see that
the real meaning of Christmas hasn’t been lost on them as even without
all the fancy lights they can still celebrate Christmas.


12/22/2018 05:54:53

I love your page, so magical... Merry Christmas, Blessed New Year.

Jesus Is Christmas.....


There is no Christmas without Jesus,
He sends me His gift each day.
I tell Him how much I love Him,
For the love and joy He sends my way.

I see the pretty trees and lights glowing bright,
I think of my dear Saviour for He is my Light,
Jesus is Christmas, I'll bow to Him and pray,
And give Him many thanks for just another day.

As we celebrate this Christmas season,
Do share the Gift of God's Love with everyone,
It's not only about glowing lights, gifts, and fun,
It's all about Jesus, God's precious Son.

Jesus Sweet Jesus so meek and mild,
You came to Earth as Mary's own child,
You wrapped the world in the greatest Love,
In giving the best gift, God sent from Above.

God gave The Greatest Gift that day,
He sent His Son to light our way.
No room in the inn, He was born in the stall,
Please remember always, Jesus gave all.

I see the trees and sparkling lights,
With gifts all wrapped for everyone,
Christmas brings such a time of joy,
As we celebrate again Mary's baby boy.

The Shepherd’s and Wisemen came from afar,
To see precious Jesus Our greatest gift,
Late in the midnight they followed the star,
Now new life begins, Oh what a joy You are!

Jesus I love You, You are my Salvation.
You came to Earth to save the lost,
You gave Your life to die for me,
I will love and Praise You for all Eternity.

The Babe in the manger the Saviour of men,
Still rules the world for those lost in sin,
Today Jesus still calls for all to come in,
Come into the arms of Jesus your Friend.

Jesus I thank You for Your Special Birth,
You left Heaven's best to come to Earth,
You became our Precious Lord and King.
Happy Birthday Jesus while the angels sing.

I'm sending You my Christmas blessing,
To show You love as we stay in touch.
I pray Your Christmas will be merry,
Because I love You, Oh so very much.

Bernice Ward ©Dec. 2008

May the Lord Bless and Watch over you
and your loved ones this CHRISTmas

And may He prosper and bless the work
of your hands in the New Year!


Psalm 9:2 (KJV)

I will be glad and rejoice in thee:
I will sing praise to thy name,
O thou most High.

Merry CHRISTmas

12/18/2018 19:34:18

Swanlady wrote:

gratulations on being a featured member. You deserve it. A beautiful page. 

And thank you for the very nice comment.

Hugs, Ann

12/18/2018 19:22:22

Have a happy Christmas Anne, I love your page. very nice.    Hugs, Moe

12/18/2018 15:56:45

Swanlady wrote:

Sending Love and Blessing  for this Joyous Holy season. Anne

12/18/2018 12:47:04


Little Drummer Boy

rock band “for KING & COUNTRY” shares with us a rousing version of
the classic Christmas song “Little Drummer Boy”.

12/16/2018 17:16:21

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Hello my sweet friend. How are you today..

Hope all is well with you..

Stopping by so i can send comments.

A lot has been going on in my life but all will be ok. 

I want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.

Ill be back in Jan 2019.

Am very busy. Late shopping for christmas.

I hope you have a wonderful night

and a beautiful Christmas. God bless you. 

Jesus is the reason for the season.:-)

12/10/2018 14:56:38

So our snow has come and gone...the last burst came in around 8 am, lasting around 2 hours..huge flakes. Was nice to see it falling, given the initial snowfall came at night. Been catching up here on the homefront. Finished my Christmas devotion and got it posted here at the bulletin page. Actually just had lunch about 30 min ago *it’s 3:20 pm*...and before I can sneeze, will be time to cook supper. The boys got to work fine. Not much traffic. Though tomorrow we drop down to the 20’s, so all of this slush will cause black ice in the am. God has it..so will follow my thoughts that I wrote about earlier in my devotion. Give HIM the burdens of the day -:) Hopefully we will see sunshine tomorrow, along with warmer temps. I have lots to do this week. Enjoy yours -:)

12/08/2018 21:25:32

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Hello my sweet friend. How are you today. I hope your having a relaxing weekend. Its been a long week. Its very cold hear in main.Just want to stop by and say that i was thinking of you today. Christmas is almost hear. Havent started shopping yet. I hope your weathers is good for you and i hope you have a wonderfulrest of the weekend. God bless you. Good night.

12/02/2018 23:00:09

===Just stopping by to say HI and to
wish you a Beautiful New Week!!===


12/01/2018 19:07:38

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Hello my sweet friend. How are you today. Was working a lot so i have been busy with work. I hope you had a bless and beautifull Thanksgiving. Please take care. God bless you and your family.

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