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01/29/2024 05:05:49


Let us start the week off right!  It is a matter of attitude.  How do we do that?

How about thinking of something or watching something that puts a smile on your face?  Did it work?  


Do you ever wonder why you are here?  I do and I wonder what I still need to accomplish while I am here.  What is my purpose?  


It takes teamwork most days and positive words from those we talk to and consider our friends.  


Thank you for being my friend and for shining your light to make the world brighter.  


01/28/2024 20:24:25

01/28/2024 11:26:25

May your Sunday be filled with
simple joys, peaceful moments,
and special friends:)

01/28/2024 09:14:21

01/28/2024 05:22:09


Sunday is here and it is supposed to be SUNNY.  We might have 2 days in a row with the possibility of a third day before the clouds show up again.  


Can you feel it, the sunshine?  It is such an amazing feeling.  Our dogs spend so much time outside when the sun is shining on their bed on the patio.  


Even when the temperatures are cold, the dogs know the importance of sunshine warming their bodies and getting vitamin D naturally.  


The natural instinct of animals is amazing!  They also know that love is the most powerful of all.  


Always choose to share love.  Let it seep from deep within you to everyone you encounter.  Blessings & Hugs!  


01/27/2024 05:21:36


Hope you have something fun planned for the weekend!  We have had rain on and off since yesterday afternoon.  Looking forward to sunshine on Sunday. 

Maybe you are doing something special with the someone you love!  


Perhaps you are resting up today so you can take your loved one out on the town tonight!  

So Happy Caturday!  Enjoy the entire day, night and weekend!  


01/26/2024 12:22:36

Friday again! Hope you have a
fun day filled w/grins 'n giggles:)
*hugs* -di

01/26/2024 05:18:29


Friday is here already!  Where did the week go?  We actually ran errands and the pantry is stocked up again!  


I thought I had better take an extra minute to check on each of you!  How was your week?  

Some of you have had rain this week instead of snow.  Did you see any beautiful lightning?  


Or maybe you saw a beautiful rainbow!  Have you ever seen both at the same time?  I haven't.  


We had thunder only once this week with no lightning.  Maybe we will get both this evening.  I do enjoy it a lot!  Hope you are ready for the weekend because here it comes.  I hope it is warm enough to go out to play in our last rain!  


01/25/2024 08:36:28

01/25/2024 05:28:22


Cardinals are beautiful in every season.  Their colors really "pop" in winter.  

Are you still getting a lot of snow?  We have been a bit warmer and are getting rain.  


How much is too much for you?  Is it time to dig your way out?  

At least some share their responsibilities and take turns helping to raise young ones.  Or like in our home, one cooks and the other one cleans up.  


I hope that warms your heart as much as it does mine!  Blessings & Hugs to you and your loved ones!  


01/24/2024 10:48:35

Even critters know when it's a good day
for napping. Happy Wednesday:)

01/24/2024 05:26:10

Smile!  We made it another day!  Half way through a week.  We have had between 2.5"-3" of rain for this week.  

Just how cold does it have to be to do that?  I hope it is never that cold where I am!!!  

No matter how cold it is, I need sunshine.  It always makes me feel so much better.  Our dogs love it too!  


Snow, Rain, or Sunshine... don't forget to check on someone this Wednesday.  They might need your help today!  


01/23/2024 08:29:40

01/23/2024 05:23:50


The rain started long before this Tuesday morning.  We have had 1" of nice slow soaking rain.  


Yes our high today is mid 50's but not much chance for sunshine.  

Drip, drip, drip!  No hanging out clothes on the line today!  

There has to be an easier way to get a drink and a bath than this!  

When will the cute hummingbirds be back for me to watch all day long?  


I hope all this rain means flowers will be popping up soon and hummingbirds will be returning!  Enjoy your day!  


01/22/2024 10:29:01

Hope your new week is GREAT:)
*hugs* -di

01/22/2024 05:49:00


Do you still have snow?  We have been cold again but we didn't get any more snow!  I hope we don't get any more this year!  

If you still have snow, I hope this puts a smile on your face.  The rain has started here and we are getting freezing rain in the area.  


I hope that I make you smile once in a while!  I also hope that you are staying warm as I think we are all in the same cold boat.  


Somewhere someone has it worse than we do too.  Our ground was frozen last week and I am not sure it has thawed yet.  


I am heading outside today to see if the birds have food but I really hope the squirrel hasn't eaten it all already.  Enjoy the new week ahead!  


01/21/2024 05:33:39


It is Sunday and still cold.  Then we are expecting rain next week almost every day.  

From snow to rain!  Mother Nature and Ole Man Winter are playing tag... your turn!  


We just need to learn to love every minute of every day!  Even if things don't go smoothly, it means the day can get better.  

Before you know it the day will be over and it will have been as graceful and smooth as geese landing on the water.  


Then as you turn out the lights at the end of the day, be sure to give thanks as you count your blessings!  


01/20/2024 05:20:18


Caturday blessings to you and hope you are having a wonderful weekend.  


Do your animals enjoy the cold weather?  Our dogs go in and out the doggy door all year long.  However, they go out less in the winter.  Our dogs might be spoiled!  

We don't get a lot of snow most of the time and there are some years, we don't get any.  However, we are cold enough to see ice crystals form, if one chooses to go outside and try it.  


I did remember to get more birdseed put out before it got cold again.  The squirrels must enjoy the cold weather because I can still hear them jumping on the roof from the trees.  


Cats, dogs, birds, or whatever the animals, most seem to enjoy the winter much more than I do.  I hope you are enjoying the weekends no matter if you are inside or outside or what your weather is like!  


01/19/2024 13:14:38

'Tis Friday! Yayyyy!  Lots of us will
be in the deep freeze for a few days,
some w/snow, some w/o. Stay warm & safe!

01/19/2024 05:07:22


I hope I can giggle through a Friday high of only 35° dropping back to 17°.  We have another 3 days of this.  


I am sharing my love with you as we move toward another cold weekend.  


Kindness is especially needed this time of year when the harsh climate makes some late and cranky.  Did you see how many electric cars won't charge?  


Look all around you and see if there is an act of kindness you can do that will help someone else.  


01/18/2024 05:38:39

01/17/2024 13:13:31

Hello my sweet friend. How are you today.

I want to share with you what the east coast of Maine.

The storm was so bad. Flooding everywhere

and power outage.

It was a terrible day.

Im hoping spring will be here soon.

I hope the weather is good to you.

Please stay safe and warm.

God Bless you and your family.

01/17/2024 05:18:20

I am not even sure what day of the week it is for some reason.  However, I do know it is winter and cold!  

Some of you have way too much snow!  Now I understand that it is your water source for the year.  We get rain!  

Our rain isn't quite like this video and there are years where we, just like your snowfall, don't get enough.  Believe-Amazing-about-to-Happen

However, we all need to take it a day at a time and be thankful we made it to Wednesday.  

Now excuse me while I go turn up the heater as I don't have a fireplace.  We are hoping to get above freezing sometime today!  


01/16/2024 17:00:46

Very cold temps these past days. Toasty warm in the home.

During these cold spells up North one will see early in the morning what is called Sun Dogs. Breathtaking to see.  Yes the beauty of winter. May you have a a pleasant week. Smiles Gloria

01/16/2024 05:19:45

01/15/2024 11:54:10


Monday is a new week with lots of new possibilities!  What shall we do?  


Oh, maybe we could do this today and this week.  Isn't that a wonderful thought.  

Here!  I will pass on the light to you to share with others.  But you have to pass it on too.  


Yes, I would say we are off to a good start this week.  Let's keep it going!  


Be child-like in all that you do.  Let your Love show and share it with others every day.  


01/15/2024 10:47:39

Hope you're warm 'n cozy!

01/13/2024 21:11:10


Sunday, Sunday... I've been singing that song this morning,  Are you ready for this new week of winter?  I am not but you already know that.  

I am ready for another cup of Coffee and maybe a cup of Hot Chocolate a little later.  Lots of crazy people are tailgating for the Cowboys/Packers game today.  Maybe not quite as many as usual.  


I wonder if we will get any snow by morning's light?  Even if we do, snow is never this beautiful in Texas.  


Whether the sun is coming up or going down, just looking at pictures, the snow looks so beautiful.  So whether we like Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall, (at least I changed the song in my head) it is just a season of life and it will change soon.  


Keep writing your story!  


01/13/2024 05:23:18

01/12/2024 10:02:20

Hope today is just as you like it
in all ways! *hugs*

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